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During the Kolntus-Emin War, both sides fought mercilessly over ownership of their ancestral empire. Each side believed that they were the rightful heir to its legacy. It did not matter what answers it held to their hazy past or to what mysterious culture and technology had been buried when the earth had swallowed it into the ground. Since the days of the Faction Wars, their blinding anger towards each other had grown beyond any simple emotion. It was even embodied in their physical structures by the conflicting ideologies of genetic manipulation versus nanomechanical integration, and now, it had culminated into a furious war never before seen on the continents of the world, spurred on by the discovery of the buried capital of the ancient empire.

The events leading to the war were set into motion upon the uncovering of their ancestors' ancient city which was once the heart of their ancient empire. The Brenodi had initially discovered the ruins and were unwilling to share their discovery with the Jekotian. A fierce stand off began with both sides forming battle lines near the ruins from which to launch their initial attacks. In such a tense face off, the most minor of mistakes could initiate war. In this case, however, they managed to hold their ground until the earth began to tremble. Once the quakes began, every single soldier’s mind leapt to the same exact conclusion, that the end times had arrived once again as experienced in the final days of the ancient empire. The Jekotian could no longer retain their anger, and their military, with its rows of tank and formations of troops, struck out into the entrenched Brenodi. They fought with such ferocity that the Brenodi were initially overwhelmed. The Brenodi regrouped and launched a retaliatory strike which stalled the Jekotian’s war machine.

Although the battle had slowed and evolved into a stalemate, the seismic activity increased and began threatening major population centers on every continent. A realization that the end was inevitable swept over the Jekotian, and they initiated battles across the entire world in an attempt to ensure that their centuries old enemy, the Brenodi, was destroyed along with them. They even unfurled their stockpile of obsolete nuclear weapons and attempted to strike at the Brenodi even though they knew it was futile. As they arced through the sky and began gliding down to their targets, they were destroyed by the Brenodi's aging defensive missile systems. They were indeed still fully functional and recently upgraded even though they had not been in service for many years since forming the previous war's stalemate, and it should be noted that this stalemate was directly responsible for initiating the current era of the genetic arms race. The Jekotian had beckoned their own destruction, and it was finally approaching. Their military still continued to fight and deeply gouge the Brenodi forces, but their military could do nothing to prevent the quakes from finally reaching into the heart of the Jekotian civilization. Their capital crumbled, and its once breathtaking skyline was reduced to rubble. The core of their government was in ruins and the body of political power decapitated.

Their military was still intact, however, now only burning on the fumes of hate. The Brenodi, possibly in a display of regret, offered a ceasefire, and the struggling civilian population, which had no political elements remaining, begrudgingly accepted it. The military regrettably withdrew its forces from all major campaigns. With an end to all major fighting, the weakened Jekotian attempted to regroup. The Brenodi continued their research efforts into the ancient city, and they extended their hand once again with a proposal that they could end the destructive seismic activity. The Jekotian warily waited as the quakes died out. They could only accept this as a sign that possibly the Brenodi truly wished to end their conflict, and they began a series of conferences to discuss the future of their war ravaged continents. The Brenodi eventually offered aid and pledged support to help the Jekotian rebuild their capital, and the Jekotian in return offered to help do whatever they could to repair the much lesser damage that had been done to the Brenodi.

Still heavily damaged by the destruction of their capital, the Jekotian were not in a position to respond negatively to the actions the Brenodi carried out next. The Brenodi built up an overwhelming campaign of propaganda based around the ancient empire’s ruins. They created a feverish excitement over the excavation of the ruins and harkened society to consider how great they were when they were one nation, one empire, with an advanced cultural and technological level that no other civilization could even dare to compare themselves with. Finally, once it was gauged that public opinion had been swayed by the propaganda, the Brenodi proposed a treaty to unite the weakened Jekotian and much stronger Brenodi into a New Empire, a continuation of the ancient civilization their ancestors had created before they were split into the two warring nations of the present. The Jekotian no longer had the will power and strength to oppose any retaliatory action from the Brenodi if they declined. Thus, they only had one available option and accepted the treaty.

The first initial years of the New Empire were promising. The Jekotian’s capital was being rebuilt, and aid to its citizens was increasing now that they were no longer considered Jekotian citizens but rather citizens of the New Empire. However, many disputes were unfolding due to the separate physical characteristics of each race. The Jekotian were heavily genetically modified, but the Brenodi were modified using nonorganic means. Instead, they had become dependent on nanomachines to survive and enhance themselves, and this was reflected in their society. Jekotian citizens could not function in Brenodi society, and Brenodi law even made it illegal to be in highly populated areas without nanomachines. One popular excuse was that of the nanomachines use as a means of identifying negative behavior and alerting government officials before the host is able to commit any criminal actions. Also, leading up to the Kolntus-Emin War, the Brenodi became fearful of the Jekotian’s early genetic manipulation efforts with warranted concerns that it would lead to outbreaks of artificial viruses and bacteria which had occurred before, and this fear, which continued to remain popular even after the creation of the New Empire, further fueled the general consensus against complete integration. With the formation of the new government, the Brenodi had the advantage of political experience in this new nation and were quick to attain the roles of power which left the Jekotian without any means of government representation. Not only did this encourage bitterness among the Jekotian but also severely limited their ability to peacefully influence government decisions to a position not entirely in favor of the Brenodi.

It was becoming clear that the Jekotian were the have-nots of this new nation, and social disorder grew among them. The Brenodi were initially able to continue to use the propaganda of the rebirth of their ancestral empire to keep the Jekotian in check. However, the remnants of the once powerful Jekotian military were still breeding their undying hate for the Brenodi and began forming insurgent cells throughout the new nation. They slowly began to inflict damage upon the internal structure of the New Empire, and the Brenodi were quick to take notice. The Brenodi initiated a series of crack downs on the insurgents, and within a short time frame, all major leaders of the insurgency were executed. The ordinary citizens continued the insurgency and kept it alive even though it could not sustain the momentum it possessed before the retaliation.

Today, there are still many problems facing the New Empire. The Jekotian are continually repressed by the Brenodi from political power in the government to quality of living in the designated areas they are allowed to inhabit. The Jekotian are unable to fight back diplomatically due to their little representation in the government. Therefore, they continue their insurgency to fight back violently although it has been contained to a much smaller degree compared to its original ferocity. The internal physical differences between the two races still acts as the main catalyst to fuel their opposition, and the New Empire will never unite until this is eliminated. It’s also questionable that if the physical differences are eliminated that it will also eliminate the centuries of hate between the two races that almost wiped them both out. There is hope as rumors supposedly hold that the President of the New Empire has been heavily funding a program to manipulate the genetic structure of the Jekotian and allow them to accept nanomachines into their system. However, it’s questionable if the Jekotians would be receptive to such a program or only use it to further fuel their dwindling insurgency.

New speculation has also begun surfacing that the Northern Faction and the other remnants of the Jekotian Empire have found new sources of personnel and equipment to aid in their struggle to win back their independence. Although unimaginable, could they have found sympathy within the Brenodi population or is it something that has been overlooked? When asked to comment on the topic, the Brenodi's Head of Local Affairs brushed it off as nothing more than an attempt by the Northern Faction to gain political footing and strike a deal before they are eventually cornered and brought to justice. One can only hope the rumors are unfounded as reports continue to mount that the Brenodi military are facing more and more open confrontations from the insurgent group, perhaps signifying the initiation of a last ditch campaign born out of desperation or the beginning of something larger...

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