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Home > Patch notes > Version/2.36.x

This patch has not yet been released
The information in this section is preliminary and subject to change, including addition and removal of entire sections.


Release: (TBA)


  • Added angle snapping to commander building placement. This shares a key bind with multi-unit selection. (Default key is shift.)
  • Added firing sounds to MG turrets.
  • Added emp_logic_playercount_listener entity.
    • This entity fires outputs when the player count changes. You can specify whether to search for Brenodi or Northern Faction players or both, and whether to check for just alive players or all players.
    • This release includes emp_variable_playercount_template.vmf, an example map to show how you might use this feature to dynamically open and close map lanes as player count changes.
  • Added outputs to emp_params on almost every game phase transition:
    • OnPhaseBeginTactics
      • Note: Since the tactics phase is not currently implemented, this fires at the same time as OnPhaseBeginGame
    • OnPhaseBeginWait
    • OnPhaseBeginGame
    • OnPhaseBeginInfSuddenDeath
    • OnPhaseBeginCVSuddenDeath
    • OnGameEnd
    • OnGameOutcomeNFWin
    • OnGameOutcomeNFLose
    • OnGameOutcomeBEWin
    • OnGameOutcomeBELose

Bug fixes

  • Applied a potential fix for player muting via the scoreboard. When the server reaches enough players, player muting would stop working as intended.
  • Fixed squad heal not removing Bio damage over time effect properly.
  • Fixed an issue where squad recon would spot squad hidden players for longer than intended.
  • Fixed various issues where the game's code would skip over the last player when processing through all players in a full server. Unknown what bugs this may have caused.
  • Changed building smoke to always emit fire when the building is destroyed, instead of sometimes showing unbuilt/sabotage smoke.
  • Neutral tank turning now rotates around the tank's local axis instead of world space. This was causing strange behaviour when driving up/down slopes.
    • Neutral turn is no longer unconstrained in applying angular velocity. Prior to this version, angular velocity was set directly; instead of being applied as an angular force impacting the angular velocity. This will mean that tanks are no longer able to rotate beyond the capability of the force being applied.
  • Fixed minor issues with vehicle detection overlays. (Don't show for your own vehicle and for vehicle corpses.)
  • Fixed the emp_infantry_restrict team filters being inverted.
  • 3x Crashes have been fixed.
  • Fixed some minor issues in the vehicle HUD. For example, no longer displaying the armor detection overlay for your own vehicle or dead vehicles.
  • Map info script parsing system has been refactored.
    • All parameters present in the map info file have sensible defaults, allowing a map to be played even if there is no map info file or the client fails to download it.
    • Line breaks can be placed in the objective and description panels using the \n escape sequence.
    • Map info can be reloaded client-side using the mapinfo_flushscript command, though this currently requires the map to be reloaded for the changes to take effect.
  • Fixed commander vote count not resetting between rounds.
    • There are still some client-side vote count issues to resolve but these will be addressed in a future version as it requires large changes to rewrite the client-side vote count system.

Other Changes

  • Added prop_sphere to the FGD and updated code to allow a radius to be set.
  • Added various team colored developer textures for use when designing maps. (materials/dev directory)
  • Added the emp_sv_forceteam CVAR, which will force all players to join either BE or NF if enabled.
  • Added the startResearched research script variable. Researches that have startResearched = 1 will already be researched when the game starts (if this is the correct team).
    • This allows specific maps to use the emp_sv_unresearch_item command to set the starting chassis as restricted (Jeep/APC/Light tank/AFV).
    • If there are no chassis available the vehicle menu will not open when players attempt to open it.
  • Changed all turret/camera/radar models to use metal surface property instead of default.

Script/Game Balance

  • Jumping stamina usage has been tweaked so that the stamina requirement to jump is 50% of the actual stamina deduction. Additionally, stamina upgrade now reduces the amount of stamina deducted per jump by 1/4 instead of 1/3.
    • This means a jump spends 20 stamina (about 3 bars), but you can still jump so long as you have 10 stamina (about 1.5 bars) left. With stamina upgrade, each jump will spend 15 stamina instead of 13.3.
    • This change was made to make navigating the map less frustrating when out of combat. This should be less punishing when you have completely depleted your stamina, but still enforce the usual restrictions to combining sprinting and jumping while in combat. The values were tweaked to ensure that even with stamina upgrade, you cannot bunny hop when you're out of stamina.