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Ammo Crates

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Northern Faction Ammunition Crate
Imperial Medical and Ammunition Crates
Northern Faction Medical and Ammunition Crates


Ammunition and Medical crates are boxes from which players may refill their ammo. Ammunition crates will always prioritize ammo for the weapon you are currently holding, and only once you have reached the maximum will it begin to restock your other weapons. It will only restock one magazine at a time.

A temporary ammo crate can be placed anywhere on the map by an engineer. Ammunition crates will last for 120 seconds, although they will take 200 seconds until another may be placed. Ammunition and Medical crates can also be found inside an Armory and in various locations on some maps alongside health crates. Upon reaching Staff Sergeant, the Engineer may place Ammunition crates at an increased rate, as the cooldown timer is reduced to 60 seconds.


Tip Tip: To use an ammo crate, target it in your crosshair and press the 'use' button (default: 'e').
Tip Tip: Due to its size, the NF ammo crate can be used as quick and temporary cover in many areas.
Tip Tip: Vehicles can have their ammunition resupplied if an engineer places one down nearby.