Map:emp glacial

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emp_glacial by varbles, originally made in 2009, remastered in 2023

Starting Refineries: 2x2

Starting Resources: 500

Refineries: 10x2, extra 1x4 unlocked by player count

Total Amount of Resources: 20 minimum, 24 maximum

Tickets: 350

Commander Strategies

Commanders should be mindful of the areas near their main base that may shelter an enemy ninja barracks. If a commander is struggling to hold refineries in the east and west because of superior enemy vehicles, the middle 4x refinery can be their lifeline.

Default starting base and refinery layout

Points of Interest

The central facility opens up when a minimum amount of players spawn. Inside is a 4x refinery and door controls to secure the facility, similar to the dam on Mvalley.

The ice river flows from east to west through the middle and through an ice cave. It allows flanking and quicker rotation for vehicles going between the east and west fronts.

This center refinery facility opens from above when a minimum amount of players join

Crossing the middle from north to south with vehicles requires two bridges to be built. A ladder allows infantry to climb from the lower level back up to the bridges.