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You may download Empires clients and servers from the [http://empiresmod.com/download.php Official Empires Download Page] or use some of the mirrors on here that may or may not work better for you.
{{Note|If you have a mirror setup, please add it to the list.}}

== Empires Client ==
[http://store.steampowered.com/app/17740 Click here to visit our steam page if you want to download the game.]
Note that you will need the original 1.0 version, aswell as the latest patch (which includes all previous patches). In addition to this, you can download and install any unofficial patches or patchfixes (there should usually only be one) to fix any bugs from the latest release.

=== 1.071 Beta Patch===
{{#widget:SteamStore | id = 17740 }}
You must download 1.0 full and 1.07 before installing this patch.
* http://www.empiresmod.com/sv_download/Empires_V1071Beta_Patch.exe

=== 1.07 Beta Patch===
[[Dedicated_Server_Setup|Visit this wiki page if you want instructions on how to install the Dedicated Server package.]]
You must download 1.0 full then apply this 1.07 patch.
* [http://files.filefront.com/Empires+v107Beta+Patch/;5291039;;/fileinfo.html filefront.com]
* [http://www.3ddownloads.com/Action/Half-Life%202/Mods/Empires/Empires_v107Beta_Patch.exe 3ddownloads.com]
* [http://files.moddb.com/2872/download-empires-v107-client/ moddb.com]
=== 1.0 Beta Full ===
* [http://www.kirkjohnson.be/upload/download.php?file=f73807b958ac24ff6fbc824307d6f7c8 Bittorrent (kirkjohnson.be)]
* [http://www.3ddownloads.com/Action/Half-Life%202/Mods/Empires/ 3ddownloads.com]
* [http://www.cod-clan.nl/Empires_V1Beta.exe cod-clan.dl]
* [http://www.esports.no/files/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=9 esports.no]
* [ faul-clan.de]
* [http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?file_id=2990 filecloud.com]
* [http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=8485 fileshack.com]
* [http://downloads.g4b2s.com/files/empires/Empires_V1Beta.exe g4b2s.com]
* [http://www.halflife2.nu/filarkivet/?id=123 halflife2.nu]
* [http://files.moddb.com/1586/Download-Empires-Mod-Beta-1/ moddb.com]
* [http://www.readyroom.org/downloads/empiresmod/Empires_V1Beta.exe readyroom.org]
* [http://www.stormed.de/downloads stormed.de]
* [ teamgg.org]
* [http://www.fileplanet.com/161434/160000/fileinfo/Half-Life-2---Empires-Mod-v1-Beta fileplanet]
* [http://empires.m00.de/details.php?file=8 empires.m00.de]
== Empires Server ==
Empires server is cross-platform and can be set up on both Windows and Linux with the same files.
=== 1.07 Beta ===
Requires Version 1.01 Beta Full Server to be installed. If you have 1.01 and possibly any other patches have been installed on top of 1.01, then this file will correctly update you to 1.07.
* [http://files.filefront.com/empires+v107beta+server/;5291140;;/fileinfo.html filefront.com]
* [http://files.moddb.com/2873/download-empires-v107-server/ moddb.com]
* [http://empires.m00.de/details.php?file=42 empires.m00.de]
* [http://www.3ddownloads.com/Action/Half-Life%202/Mods/Empires/empires_v107beta_server.zip 3D Downloads]
=== 1.01 Beta ===
* [http://www.empnation.info/empires_v101beta_server.zip.torrent Torrent]
* [http://www.3ddownloads.com/Action/Half-Life%202/Mods/Empires/empires_v101beta_server.zip 3ddownloads.com]
* [http://www.esports.no/files/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=12 esports.no]
* [http://files.moddb.com/1694/Download-Empires-101-Beta-Full-Server/ moddb.com]
* [http://squishywaffle.com/mirror/empires/empires_v101beta_server.zip squishywaffle.com]
* [http://empires.m00.de/details.php?file=10 empires.m00.de]

Latest revision as of 13:53, 10 August 2023