Map:emp duststorm

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Home > Map:emp duststorm


File:Emp duststorm map.png

Duststorm is a desert with hills in the center and northwest and ruins in the southeast. The NF starts in the southwest and the Bren in the northeast.

Commander Strategies

Forward Bases: Both the Brenodi and NF have several good locations for forward bases. The middle, for example, can be taken and fortified without much trouble. The NF can take and fortify the northwest corner early on. While it is possible to make a forward base in the ruins, it is not suggested to make that the main focus as bases constructed in the ruins are harder to defend from artillery and armor.

Tank Combat: This map is practically made for tank combat. Its many wide open areas provide little cover for infantry. In the end, it often comes down to whichever team uses their tanks better. It is suggested to build many repair pads so that tanks can be repaired more easily.

Scouts: Scouts serve a very important role in this map. Their most important job is to spot oncoming tank attacks. A good commander will send his scouts out to warn against any such threat.