Talk:Change Log (pre 2.25)

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Revision as of 18:18, 6 August 2007 by Aurora (talk | contribs)
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I added the 1.08 Change Log just in case people were thinking only a little bit has been done. I had forgotten how extensive the changes were.--Knighttemplar 20:52, 14 July 2007 (EDT)

Yeah, it'll be fun going through here and deleting all the inner-RC changes (like the fixed such and such in RC 2) and sorting all of this into added, modified and fixed groups. I nominate Lobster.--Knighttemplar 13:19, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

Shoot, I think notepad would crash. This is like 30 pages of stuff added, fixed or modified. Then again, I don't think we really need to list most of the fixes to new additions, only the additions themselves and anything altered related to 1.07.-- L3TUC3 13:48, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

*Fixed (RC2): commander could still use the grenadier armor info skill in his interface

^^Thought that should have stayed in--Knighttemplar 21:37, 4 August 2007 (EDT)

What did you take out Brocolli?--Knighttemplar 10:22, 5 August 2007 (EDT)

Lots of things that were fixes from previous RC's; use the history function to see specific lines. I didn't take out anything that was changed/added since 1.07. Things like sabotage, I tried to merge into a single item (later changes such as rank points and building health were consolidated into the earliest item I could find). I think for the final version any indication of RC's will be removed, and the whole thing will just be labelled '1.08'. So at this stage, it doesn't matter where in the list these things appear. Maybe I should start moving definitive items into the headings I made (sabotage being an example). This might make it clearer which other things needs sorting out. -- Broccoli 15:02, 5 August 2007 (EDT)

Yeah, but where did you do this, in the changelog sandbox I made? I'm doing the same thing as you, so I don't want to mess up stuff you've already done. Yesterday I worked my way up from the bottom (RC 0) to RC5. I was going to move up from there and take out all the internal stuff, stuff that fixed new additions, same as you mentioned. I just don't know if you saw that already.--Knighttemplar 22:49, 5 August 2007 (EDT)

Yes, I did it in the sandbox. I didn't really work that methodically, I just went through randomly and did whatever caught my eye. I don't think you can really undo anything I did; we're doing the same thing, just in different ways. The final thing will be re-grouped under single headings, right? The RC titles will all be taken out? -- Broccoli 02:54, 6 August 2007 (EDT)

Yeah, that was what I was thinking, and I'm sure what Krenzo does when...hmmm I bet when we get 1.08 public there will be a change log included that'll be just what we want...--Knighttemplar 19:01, 6 August 2007 (EDT)

  • Have 13 to 18 left to go. I asked Krenzo if it was even necessary, he hasn't answered yet.

1.08 Change Log Sandbox

Unreleased: Version 1.08





Version 1.08 Beta Build 139/RC 18 Changes:

  • Added: vehicles can now be customized at a repair station:

Bring up the vehicle build GUI as the driver of a vehicle, and run through the steps of building a new vehicle of the same chassis. You will pay the difference between the two loadouts or get a refund. The vehicle build GUI will list the difference between the two loadouts as the total cost. Armor repair levels will be set to 0 as a penalty. Hull health will remain the same.

  • Fixed: crash when spawning in APC
  • Fixed: aircraft were visible in the commander's vehicle factory menu
  • Fixed: spectating a player in the eye now shows the target player's ammo correctly
  • Fixed: muting players via the scoreboard
  • Fixed: flag capture GUI would disappear when bringing up the scores window
  • Fixed: vehicle build GUI added an extra layer of armor to the total vehicle cost
  • Fixed: vehicles can no longer shoot through walls
  • Fixed: players spawning in the origin of the map if the capture point they were attempting to spawn at was lost at the exact same time the player spawned
  • Fixed: moving up the research tree in the commander GUI would move the center hex out to an incorrect position
  • Fixed: spectators could not see their target's stamina change
  • Fixed: while placing an engineer item with the engineer kit, it was possible to have multiple engineer build item models showing up at once
  • Fixed: it was possible to build an engineer build item on another player even though it showed red when attempting to place the item
  • Fixed: when spectating a player from 3rd person, the player would turn his head to look at you, the spectator
  • Modified: reduced damage (50 to 40), increased cycle time (1.0 to 1.4), and increased heat (10 to 20) for the standard cannon to provide incentive to use better cannons
  • Modified: mines now attach themselves to whatever they're touching after 3 seconds and move with that object instead of staying stationary, except players! - Removed due to bomb-jeep exploits. The feature will return, minus vehicles.

Version 1.08 Beta Build 138/RC 17 Changes:

  • Maps: altered cliff textures
  • Added: visual build effect when non-engineers are building
  • Added: sound effects for building/repairing and reviving
  • Added: new world models for all updated view models
  • Added: headshot, melee, and road-kill death icons
  • Added: death icons to differentiate mortar and rpg weapons and to differentiate Northern Faction and Brenodi types
  • Fixed: when spectating a vehicle in chase cam view, passengers could interfere with the camera
  • Fixed: ML turrets couldn't lock onto Brenodi jeeps
  • Fixed: cancelling an order from the popup menu did not work
  • Fixed: when successfully ejecting the commander by the Brenodi team, the wrong name was printed for the commander's name
  • Fixed: a large lag spike could cause the starting music to play again
  • Fixed: could not see teammates' names above their heads while in a vehicle
  • Fixed: rare crash on level load
  • Modified: revamped vehicle network variables to reduce bandwidth usage
  • Modified: health regeneration skill and squad leader engineer aura slowly repair vehicle hull (1 HP/2 sec)
  • Modified: improved Brenodi APC/AFV and NF APC turning ability at higher speeds
  • Modified: improved vehicle turret range of motion; BE APC and AFV can aim lower; APCs can aim much higher
  • Modified: put darker background behind the HUD's entity health bar due to being whited out by engineer tool kit effect

Version 1.08 Beta Build 137/RC 16 Changes:

  • Maps: new textures for emp_cyclopean, emp_isle, and emp_duststorm
  • Added: sitting animation for players in vehicles
  • Added: skill icon under squad HUD that shows the skill you're getting from being near your squad leader; transparency based on distance from squad leader
  • Added: swaying to scout rifle when in scope view; magnitude of sway is affected by amount of stamina the player has
  • Added: squad leader activated skills, two per class, the points required are in brackets:
    • scout recon (2) = spot all enemies in a nearby radius for one minute
    • scout hide (5)= squad members are hidden for 30 seconds. Wears off when shooting.
    • rifleman charge (3) = no stamina drain for 30 seconds
    • rifleman armor (4) = damage is reduced by 20% for 30 seconds
    • grenadier damage (4) = weapon damage bonus of 20% for 30 seconds
    • grenadier artillery (4) = arty strike
    • engineer revive (5) = mass revive all dead squad members and place near squad leader
    • engineer heal (3) = instant health regen to 100%
  • Fixed: VGUI panels would screw up when changing resolution
  • Fixed: NF HMG crosshair being solid
  • Fixed: decal flickering on team logos in emp_crossroads
  • Fixed: squad HUD should no longer have blank names
  • Modified: increased stamina penalty per scout rifle shot to increase weapon sway with each shot
  • Modified: reduced scout's total rifle ammo from 60 to 30 and scout rifle clip size from 15 to 5
  • Modified: revived players start in the prone position
  • Modified: changed squad leader's green arrow on the HUD to a star icon

Version 1.08 Beta Build 136/RC 15 Changes:

  • Added: squad limit of no more than 5 players to a squad
  • Added: squad leader bonus aura of 50 feet; squad members within this aura will receive a bonus determined by the squad leaders class (scout = stamina recharge rate + 33%, rifleman = accuracy increase of 20%, grenadier = weapon damage increase of 10%, engineer = health recharge of 1HP/2secs). The squad leader only receives the bonus if another squad member is within his aura.
  • Added: prone (+prone acts as a toggle; no firing while moving in prone; no moving while zoomed/in ironsights in prone)
  • Added: third person melee animations

Version 1.08 Beta Build 135/RC 14 Changes:

  • Maps: updates to emp_district402, emp_cyclopean
  • Added: new melee animations for Brenodi SMGs 1 and 2
  • Added: new melee animation for NF SMG 1
  • Added: scout rifles no longer automatically unzoom when fired; they'll stay zoomed until the fire button is released
  • Added: another zoom level to the scout binoculars for a total of three zoom levels (unzoomed at 90 FOV, zoomed at 20 FOV, zoomed at 4 FOV)
  • Added: "Falloff" parameter to weapon scripts to define how a bullet's damage decreases with range
  • Added: loading screen with hints and an image of the next map (if you were on the server when the map changed)
  • Fixed: health regen gave health even if the player had died
  • Fixed: players with max health upgrade only spawned with 100 health; changed so that they spawn with 130
  • Modified: when a flag is turned neutral, the two adjacent flags of the neutralized flag are disabled from being captured
  • Modified: reduced time penalty when trying to fire the mortar while standing from 1 second to 0.2 seconds
  • Modified: mortar can now be fired from a vehicle's passenger seat
  • Modified: reverted vehicle turret code to 1.07 codebase
  • Modified: faster throw animation for NF landmine
  • Modified: altered Speed Upgrade skill to allow you to move at 15% faster movement speed when not sprinting, was 10%
  • Modified: scout binoculars can be used to spot unlimited targets instead of only one target at a time (only last spotted target will give a point when destroyed)
  • Modified: scout concussion grenades will disable turrets for up to a maximum of 12 seconds (was 5 seconds) and emit purple smoke while disabled
  • Modified: jumping takes 20% stamina (was 25%) and can be done even if there's not enough stamina (penalty wait time will still activate at 0%)
  • Modified: scout rifles no longer experience excessive damage falloff with range (maximum falloff is now approximately 10%)
  • Removed: NF SMG 3 weapon

Version 1.08 Beta Build 133/RC 13 Changes:

  • Maps: updates to emp_escort, emp_isle, emp_district402, emp_canyon, emp_cdr_canyon, emp_crossroads, emp_streetsoffire, emp_urbanchaos
  • Added: visual effect to engineer kit repair
  • Added: reload and melee animations to BE smg 2 weapon
  • Fixed: revived players were only unsticking themselves if revived inside another player; changed to unstick if inside any object
  • Fixed: weapons had no "ACT_VM_DRAW_EMPTY" animation; pulling out an empty weapon played no sequence and always added a couple of seconds of delay before reloading
  • Fixed: crash when trying to write to read-only config files
  • Fixed: health indicator was not taking Health Upgrade skill into account
  • Fixed: in a vehicle, the mouse could be lowered/raised greater than the turret would actually move
  • Fixed: vehicle cannon recoil was broken in previous turret code modification
  • Fixed: NF commander's unit panel's buildings list did not work
  • Modified: changed vehicle armor system to rely on the hit location's angle to determine the side of the armor hit
  • Modified: for vehicles built with no armor on a side, the engineer kit's HUD display shows no armor health bar vice an empty bar
  • Modified: weapon scripts to reduce weapon accuracy

Version 1.08 Beta Build 132/RC 12 Changes:

  • Maps: updates to emp_streetsoffire, emp_duststorm, emp_escort, emp_isle, and emp_canyon
  • Fixed: for spectators, players were still appearing in the center of the map when out of network range
  • Fixed: rare crash when first joining a game
  • Fixed: commander unit info area text drawn with background
  • Fixed: only visible passengers in a vehicle create a ragdoll when the vehicle explodes; hidden players do not
  • Fixed: dying via falling will black out the player's screen; if the player went into spectator mode at this point, the screen would remain blacked out
  • Fixed: squad HUD showing blank names for squad members out of network range
  • Fixed: squad HUD showing yellow (shoot) and red (hurt/death) color indicators not updating correctly
  • Fixed: buildings being recycled still able to be repaired by engineer kit
  • Modified: changed engineer revive ability to revive the player where his ragdoll is vice where the player died
  • Modified: added check to revive to ensure the player will be above ground when revived

Version 1.08 Beta Build 129/RC 11 Changes:

  • Added: custom performance profiler with real-time logging to a CSV file
  • Added: engineer turret and camera health HUD indicators now show two health bars if two are built
  • Added: the commander will get points for all kills from commander built turrets no matter who was the commander when they were built
  • Fixed: BE radar LOD problems
  • Fixed: set cannon shells to not hit the cannon or turret they originated from to prevent tanks from driving so fast that they hit their shell when it's first fired
  • Fixed: spectating passengers in vehicles causing problems with spectator camera
  • Fixed: going from spectator in-eye to chase camera would preserve the roll angle; it now resets to 0 when in chase camera mode
  • Fixed: as spectator, players out of visible range were showing up on the mini-map in the middle of the map
  • Fixed: background for spectator name was drawn incorrectly when the player's name contained unicode characters
  • Fixed: players lost their health upgrade skill after being revived
  • Fixed: server crash related to capture point event firing
  • Fixed: server crash related to "FindPickerEntity" function
  • Fixed: players getting stuck in engineer ammo crates
  • Fixed: spectators getting rank points
  • Modified: set commander camera to not zoom when clicking on an alert unless the distance from the camera to alert position is less than 600 inches where it will then zoom out

Version 1.08 Beta Build 124/RC 10 Changes:

  • Added: experimental client-side authoritative movement mode which is switched on via "emp_sv_client_auth_movement" convar
  • Modified: vehicles are required to be going at least 10 MPH before they begin dealing damage to enemy players, 20 MPH is lethal
  • Modified: when spectating a vehicle, the chase camera will sit at a farther distance

Version 1.08 Beta Build 123/RC 9 Changes:

  • Added: spectators can now see all players, vehicles, and buildings on the minimap
  • Added: "emp_sv_turret_search_interval" (default 0.5) convar to set how much time each turret must wait before searching for a new target
  • Added: spectators can now see the number of reinforcements remaining
  • Added: minimap maintains separate zoom levels for full and reduced map sizes
  • Fixed: "spray logo" command on the controls menu was not binding the correct command to the key
  • Fixed: spectating an engineer will draw the health bars in the correct color (green or red) instead of always red
  • Fixed: client-side vehicle turret acting twitchy
  • Fixed: when entering a vehicle, the player's view would not be set to the position the turret was in
  • Fixed: large buildings (vehicle factories especially) weren't receiving full damage from explosive weapons
  • Fixed: unicode characters were not being printed correctly in the top left HUD area which printed the name of the commander
  • Fixed: line linking player orders from the player to the order location was not using the player's correct location when in a vehicle
  • Fixed: Brenodi repair pad crane texture not being transparent in black areas
  • Modified: moved the location of the name of the person being spectated so that it's not overlapped by the vehicle heat bar

Version 1.08 Beta Build 122/RC 8 Changes:

  • Maps: updates to emp_cdr_canyon, emp_escort, emp_duststorm
  • Added: pressing the "show squad panel" button if the squad panel is open will close it
  • Added: both primary and secondary weapon groups can be fired at the same time
  • Fixed: added more error checking in HUD/GUI areas to prevent client-side crashes
  • Fixed: grenadier in passenger position could damage his own tank with RPG
  • Fixed: revived players getting default ammo instead of the same amount of ammo they died with
  • Fixed: spotting via popup menu and binoculars was not checking if the spotted entity was alive
  • Fixed: squad member HUD no longer shows dead squad members as having negative health
  • Fixed: switching between the different control profiles is now done server-side vice client-side to eliminate key binding problems
  • Fixed: spectators not able to cycle through players in vehicles as available to be spectated
  • Modified: commanders are no longer notified when an engineer building is built
  • Modified: increased scout rifle damage to 110 (was 60)
  • Modified: lowered RPG damage to 80 (was 105)
  • Modified: lowered mortar damage to 110 (was 120)
  • Modified: improved player and vehicle collisions
  • Modified: if an enemy player is targeted via the commander's attack order and that player becomes the enemy commander, then he is removed from the attack order
  • Modified: for a commander's multiple attack order, each target is removed from the order and the commander informed on its death; previously, this only occurred when all targets were destroyed
  • Modified: changed vehicle turret mouse movement to mimic infantry mouse movement
  • Modified: renamed "emp_vehicle_mouse_speed" convar to "emp_cl_vehicle_sensitivity_ratio"
  • Modified: all grenades and all secondary weapon attacks (melee/iron sights) can now be used underwater

Version 1.08 Beta Build 116/RC 7 Changes:

  • Added: building icons now flash on the minimap when under attack
  • Modified: when entering a passenger position on a vehicle where you can use your own weapons, the infantry binds are executed first and then the vehicle binds to prevent overwriting the keys for changing seats
  • Removed: eliminated missiles and shells from being able to be shot down

Version 1.08 Beta Build 115/RC 6 Changes:

  • Added: HDR versions of emp_canyon, emp_cdr_canyon, emp_crossroads, emp_duststorm, and emp_money
  • Added: new ambient sounds for buildings
  • Added: individual explode sounds for each grenade
  • Added: new death explosion sound effects for vehicles


Version 1.08 Beta Build 114/RC 5 Changes:

  • Added: emp_cyclopean
  • Added: emp_cdr_canyon which is a version of canyon with prebuilt bases and no commanders
  • Added: new version of emp_canyon and emp_crossroads
  • Modified: reverted change to getting vehicle cannon origin and angles as the original method is more accurate but comes at a price
  • Fixed: crosshairs (mortar crosshair especially) showing when driving a vehicle
  • Fixed: when determining which armor side was hit on a vehicle, areas along the side but near the front of the vehicle were being reported as the rear armor side vice the front armor side
  • Fixed: certain vehicle MG weapons would do friendly fire damage
  • Fixed: altered both team's jeeps' collision models so that passengers can shoot out

Version 1.08 Beta Build 113/RC 4 Changes:

  • Added: "emp_comm_zoom_speed" console variable to control how fast the commander camera zooms

Version 1.08 Beta Build 112/RC 3 Changes:

  • Added: new NF assault rifle model with iron sights as secondary attack
  • Added: new NF .50 cal weapon model
  • Added: new NF MG weapon model
  • Fixed: "auto team join" always thinking the NF team had more players
  • Added: for vehicles running over players, added a hull trace from the vehicle's previous position to current position in case vehicles are driving too fast to actually contact the player during a frame
  • Fixed: for combo boxes in panels on the title screen, the dropdown list was being hidden behind the active window
  • Added: new NF scout rifle model and animations
  • Added: new NF smg 2 model and animations
  • Added: crosshairs to zoomed in scout rifles
  • Added: unzooming of scout rifles after each shot to reflect having to work the bolt to load the next bullet
  • Added: "stamina penalty" for weapon script files which will deduct from the player's stamina per shot; currently used for MGs

Version 1.08 Beta Build 108/RC 2 Changes:

  • Modified: scaled down all NF building textures to take up less texture space
  • Fixed: improved the accuracy of pointing at and using the vehicle factory console
  • Fixed: tracers now correctly come from the player weapon's muzzle
  • Fixed: added env_tonemap_controller entity
  • Fixed: "game_text" entity was not showing its text on the screen when activated
  • Added: new NF shotgun pistol model
  • Added: env_tonemap_controller entity
  • Added: color_correction entity
  • Added: replaced Valve start up video with the Empires logo

Version 1.08 Beta Build 107/RC 1 Changes:

  • Fixed: exploit where an engineer could switch between the repair kit and another weapon while holding attack to instantly regain his repair ammo
  • Fixed: weapon melee attacks would not delay primary attacks
  • Fixed: commander able to be hurt (ie from water or explosions)
  • Modified: players in vehicles no longer create ragdolls when they die
  • Fixed: exploit where a player could build a vehicle with negative armor and get money from the purchase, thanks dizzyone
  • Fixed: exploit where a player could build a vehicle with weapons it's not supposed to have, thanks dizzyone
  • Fixed: damage to armor that had negative speed modifiers (absorbant, reactive) could become negative and add armor instead of subtracting it
  • Modified: altered commander unit selection code to draw the selection box to more accurately reflect the shape of the unit
  • Added: commander can now select and recycle all walls
  • Modified: improved turret code to be more efficient/use less cpu
  • Added: 'emp_sv_max_turrets' cvar that limits how many turrets the commander can build; turrets no longer count for the team's build limit
  • Added: 'emp_sv_max_walls' cvar that limits how many walls the commander can build
  • Fixed: spawn and revive code now check to make sure the spawn area is empty to prevent the player from getting stuck in other objects
  • Added: 'emp_unstuck' command to move you if you're stuck in an object, will only work if it detects you're stuck
  • Added: vehicles now collide with players and deal collision damage to enemy players
  • Fixed: vehicle wheels now spin accurately instead of by a very rough approximation
  • Fixed: recycling a building with less than full health wouldn't give back any resources
  • Fixed: as commander, selecting an engineer built radar or camera shows the correct image in the selection area
  • Fixed: the commander can no longer attempt to recycle an engineer built radar or camera
  • Added: vehicle wheels kick up dust when rolling (was removed in 1.01 due to being server-side and is now back in, implemented client-side)
  • Added: if a scout has an enemy vehicle or building spotted with binoculars for at least 6 seconds and it's destroyed by a team mate, the scout receives a rank point
  • Added: damaged vehicles emit smoke (use "emp_vehicle_smokeinterval" to set how often smoke is created per second, 0 = no smoke created)
  • Added: buildings damaged below 50% emit smoke (use "emp_building_smokeinterval" to set how often smoke is created per second, 0 = no smoke created)
  • Fixed: homing missile lock on boxes more accurately match the location and shape of the vehicle
  • Added: as the commander a selected turret will display a circle in the world and on the minimap around itself to show its detection and attack radius
  • Added: as the commander a selected engineer camera/radar or regular radar will display a circle in the world and on the minimap around itself to show its detection radius with an inner animated circle
  • Added: work in progress fog of war for commander, needs improvement by turning it into a pixel shader as it currently looks blocky, must be turned on with "emp_comm_fogofwar 1"
  • Modified: set missile smoke trail to be more opaque and not dissipate as quickly
  • Added: 'emp_sv_spawn_protection' cvar which defines how many seconds a player is invulnerable to damage after spawning, default time is 3 seconds
  • Added: tanks with the faster engines slow down when turning to prevent spinning out
  • Fixed: vehicles and buildings on the minimap would stop showing up once 64 existed for either either team
  • Added: player chat is now colored based on the person's team (NF = red, BE = blue), commander chat is a lighter version of the team's color (only team mates of the commander see this)
  • Fixed: exploit where commander could use engineer build kit while in commander interface
  • Added: the commander's name is printed in the top left corner
  • Added: above the ammo bar, added an indicator of how many mines the player has existing in the world out of eight (the limit of placed mines)
  • Fixed: placing a mine when eight were already placed, would not update the new mine's placement time, sometimes causing the game to think the new mine was the earliest one placed and detonating it when a ninth mine was placed
  • Added: redid the grenadier's armor detection skill; it now recreates the vehicle HUD chassis information on the grenadier's HUD showing armor levels and hull health of the targetted vehicle
  • Added: above the health bar, added a health indicator for an engineer's built turret
  • Added: above the health bar, added a health indicator for an engineer's built camera/radar
  • Fixed: players can no longer open the team selection, class selection, or vehicle customization screens via shortcut key while in commander mode due to losing mouse control upon doing so
  • Modified: added a slightly transparent black background to chat text to make it more visible
  • Fixed: commander can no longer build in water
  • Added: scout sabotage ability: as a scout, 'use' an enemy building until the sabotage progress bar is filled. Sabotaged buildings are reduced to 50% health, and experience a health drain of 1 HP every 3 secs. They also emit purple smoke whilst sabotaged. An engineer can remove the sabotaged status by repairing the building. Scouts receive 1 rank point for every 2 buildings they sabotage.

Buildings are also affected as follows: turrets - cease to target or fire refinery - outputs half as many resources barracks - spawning players receive half their total amount of health radar - shows friendly units to the enemy instead of enemy units to friendlies armory - ammo and health crates take twice as long to give ammo/health repair bay - takes twice as long to repair a vehicle vehicle factory - vehicles are built with half of their total health and armor

  • Modified: changed crosshair so that it never expands more than 1/4 the size of the screen
  • Fixed: mines dropped in buildings were not able to be defused by a grenadier with the defuse skill
  • Fixed: commander was able to build a line of walls even though the start or end point was in an unbuildable area/out of buildable range
  • Added: events in the FGD for buildings to let map makers get output events from buildings when they're fully built and when they're killed
  • Added: events in the FGD for when a refinery is placed on a resource node for both teams
  • Fixed: when in commander mode, the player can no longer open the voice/quick command popup menu.
  • Fixed: on level change, the commander interface now resets the research tree position to the start point
  • Modified: team, class, and spawn point selection windows no longer continuously open; they will open only once and then print a message telling the player how to open the window again if needed
  • Added: commander voting during the first 60 seconds of a new map via a new window that automatically appears; the winner spawns inside the command vehicle in the commander interface
  • Fixed: passenger names in vehicles sometimes showing as "unconnected"
  • Added: new squad selection panel shown via "choosesquad" command, allows joining/leaving of squads, kicking players, locking a squad to disallow players from joining, and inviting players to the squad
  • Modified: players no longer have to request to join a squad and wait to be invited to complete the transaction unless the squad has been locked by the squad leader
  • Added: secondary attack toggles iron sight mode for BE Rifle and Scout Rifle
  • Modified: iron sights reduces weapon kick by 50% and weapon spread by 25%
  • Added: new Brenodi grenade model
  • Added: new NF RPG model
  • Modified: BSID updated many weapons and vehicle settings
  • Added: new minimaps done by Jcw87
  • Modified: rpg and mortar weapons can be switched from to another weapon while reloading
  • Modified: scaled down all NF building textures to take up less texture space

Version 1.08 Beta Build 92 Changes:

  • Added: new NF landmine
  • Fixed: all NF grenades have the new model and operate correctly
  • Modified: increased speed vehicle suspension moves wheels and removed players affecting vehicle wheel position (wheels would move up if a player stood next to them)
  • Modified: decreased NF light tank gear ratio to minimize spinning out
  • Added: new commander commands for zooming in/out a certain amount per button press and for toggling the build/factory/units/research windows
  • Added: new controls configuration panel on the title screen (accessed via 'Controls' item). It lets you configure key bindings for the different roles of infantry, in vehicle, and in commander interface.
  • Fixed: bug where commander camera would reverse its controls if it went below the z origin of the map
  • Modified: commander camera move speed code so that the "emp_comm_move_speed" cvar has more control over the speed of the camera's movement where before it only minimally affected movement speed
  • Modified: set players in a jeep as crouching instead of standing up
  • Added: converted Empires player models to HL2DM animation system
  • Fixed: improved the way vehicles fire their weapons (and get the origin and angles of the weapon) to decrease network traffic and remove the possibility of a crash
  • Fixed: exploit where clients could run certain admin only commands that would alter building physics or kick a commander
  • Added: new NF pistol model and animations
  • Fixed: bug with client-side player movement where certain buildings would cause the player to jitter up and down (caused by server-side physics shadow and network variable inaccuracy)
  • Modified: changed the client-side player movement code to run with the same tick time as the server (will this cause lagged players to move slower?)
  • Fixed: commander camera movement speed changing based on frames per second (ie, looking at a graphically intensive area with lots of buildings would slow the camera movement down instead of staying constant)
  • Fixed: commander wouldn't hear the build sound effect when placing walls
  • Fixed: exploit where an engineer could switch between the repair kit and another weapon while holding attack to instantly regain his repair ammo
  • Fixed: weapon melee attacks would not delay primary attacks

Version 1.08 Beta Build 86 Changes:

  • Modified: moved to HL2DM player animation
  • Fixed: vehicle client-side turret control was jittering due to client-side prediction
  • Added: implemented client-side movement
  • Added: new muzzle flash effects for all weapons
  • Added: vehicles jump into the air when they die
  • Fixed: player client-side movement teleport issues
  • Fixed: as commander, dragging a box around a dead player would highlight a box around him as though he were still alive
  • Fixed: as commander, while dragging a selection box, moving the mouse over the minimap caused the camera to move with the mouse
  • Added: "Log Out" button to commander GUI
  • Fixed: destroying an unbuilt radar would subtract from the total number of built radars, causing an issue where the team had a fully functional radar but couldn't research anything
  • Fixed: destroying an unbuilt building that is marked for recycling would cause the building to never be removed from the game
  • Fixed: the commander was able to recycle an engineer built turret
  • Modified: altered squad HUD member listing to only show each member's name and their health
  • Fixed: enemy engineer deconstructing a vehicle would send a voice alert that the commander was under attack
  • Added: alerts to the left side of the commander GUI for when a player/vehicle/building is attacked/destroyed which lists the event happening and clicking on the alert will move the commander camera to that location
  • Fixed: in commander interface, commander was able to order units to attack enemy units that were shrouded in his fog of war
  • Fixed: in commander interface, ordering a unit to attack multiple targets would not clear his previous orders, ie, if he were guarding a building before being ordered to attack multiple targets, he would be told to attack the new targets as well as the building he was guarding
  • Fixed: in commander interface, dragging a box around units could be done too quickly, causing it to be ignored
  • Added: 'emp_comm_jumptoalert' console command which will center the commander camera over an alert's location
  • Added: optimized NF building models
  • Fixed: NF vehicles had "nocull" textures which was unoptimized
  • Modified: increased horsepower for all tank engines