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Revision as of 04:31, 8 August 2020 by Smithy (talk | contribs) (Cyclopean)


Release: (TBA)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a server crash relating to the emp_eng_map_brush entity.
  • Fixed a bug with the "Never Give Up Never Surrender" achievement not being awarded.
  • Fixed several issues with Soundscape's used in official maps.
    • Fixed an issue with the emp_duststorm soundscape (It shared a name with a HL2 soundscape which had coast noises, now has it's own unique name without the wave noises)
    • Fixed an issue with the emp_mvalley soundscape file (It had the wrong file name so it wasn't being loaded.)
    • Fixed missing sound files and soundscape definitions for emp_crossroads
    • Reduced ambient sound volume slightly in the sound mixer system.

Map changes


  • Tweaked lighting and HDR skybox textures to fix some issues with overly shiny textures.
  • Removed the env_sun entity as the Skybox texture has a prominent sun already and this was making it appear to have 2 suns.
  • Tweaked fog color as it was a little too bright.
  • Changed HDR auto-exposure settings min 0.2 -> 0.3 / max 0.5 -> 0.6
  • Embedded vmt files to override envmaptint for certain hl2 textures in use in the level. (Reduced their reflectivity)

Other changes

  • Added a default lights.rad file for use by map makers.


Release: (2020/07/27)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a few issues with scout hide introduced in 2.29.1
    • Fixed an issue where scout hide would trigger when you weren't crouched/prone
    • Fixed an issue where grenades wouldn't remove scout hide


Release: (2020/07/26)


Discord rich presence example

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where walls were not being removed correctly, causing servers to reach the entity limit very quickly.
  • Fixed an issue with the BE commander model & BE APC model which made the bounding box appear incorrectly in command view.
  • Fixed scout hide not being removed when the last bullet in the scout's gun is fired.
  • Re-enabled and fixed a number of the achievements. (Hopefully all of them)

Script/Game Balance

  • Removed the armour penetration effect to vehicle damage
    • (Previously taking more than 30 damage at once, would mean the armour will take 90% of the damage and the hull will take 10%. This has now been removed.)

Other changes