Release: (TBA)
- Changes to how re-equip functions:
- Re-equip will now restore the previously active weapon, provided the player still has the same weapon.
- NOTE: Previously the active weapon would be changed to the weapon in slot 2 regardless of what the player was previously holding.
- Re-equip now saves the reload state of a grenadier's RPG & Mortar and restores the original reload state of the weapon, provided the player isn't swapping to be a grenadier. In which case they would both be provided requiring a reload before use.
- NOTE: Spawning as grenadier is unchanged, both weapons will be provided already loaded.
- Re-equip now saves the engineer kit charge and restores the original charge, provided the player isn't swapping to be a engineer. In which case the engineer kit would be provided empty.
- NOTE: Spawning as engineer is unchanged, the engineer kit will still be provided with full charge.
- Re-equip will now restore the previously active weapon, provided the player still has the same weapon.
- Sabotage progress will now reset after 2 minutes.
- NOTE: Previously sabotage progress would persist forever, this wasn't ideal behaviour given some rounds can last over an hour.
- All projectiles now have a 0.25s grace period where they will not collide with players of the same team. (This includes grenades/missiles/shells for both players and vehicles)
Bug fixes
- Fixed some issues with burst fire weapons that prevented us from implementing them.
- NOTE: Previously you had to hold the primary fire button to fire all of the burst. This is no longer the case, burst fire should now work exactly as expected.
- Fixed a mismatch between the client & server relating to vehicle bullets effects. Vehicle MG tracers on the client had different angles than on the server for vehicles with offset MG model attachments.
- Fixed a small mismatch between the client & server relating to player bullet effects. This was an issue that affected bullet spread, essentially there could be a slight variance which was caused by differing player velocity values on the client/server. This mismatch should now be significantly reduced.
- Fixed a small mismatch in bullet spread caused by the Rifleman's squad aura accuracy increase. Previously the spread reduction was only applied on the server, this is now fixed.
- Fixed a visual bug where bullet tracers were slightly offset from where they were supposed to emit from.
- Fixed a bug with weapon spread, where if you tried to attack while out of ammo it would still increase your weapon spread.
- Fixed a bug where squad arty could collide with the map's skybox if the ray cast was exactly 4000 units.
- Fixed refinery starting health not using the value defined in scripts.
- Fixed the bounding box being larger than intended for BE AFV model. This would cause mines to trigger even if the afv wasn't visually over the mine.
- Fixed the research description for the top icon not updating properly.
- Fixed some particle effects being assigned to the wrong model attachment. (Previously particles could only be correctly spawned from model attachments 1-32 due to a network restriction, however models can have up to 512 attachments and some of our vehicles have ~40)
- Fixed some occasions where the Hit Tick HUD element could get stuck on screen.
- Re-enabled the HUD hint element that is sometimes used by server addons. (Sourcemod plugins)
- Fixed the width of HudMessage HUD element not spanning the whole screen. This is sometimes used by server addons. (Sourcemod plugins)
- Dead players no longer emit the resupply sound.
- Commander placed turrets no longer float in the air slightly.
- Fixed an exploit caused by wall placement:
- Walls are no longer allowed to be placed if the preview model intersects with the local player.
- emp_unstuck is now only called if the player is actually stuck inside a building. Previously an unstuck would be scheduled regardless of if the player was stuck. In some circumstances this was being abused.
- This change is primarily aimed to combat an exploit that was frequently being used by some players to reach areas of the map that weren't accessible through other means.
- NOTE: These changes can be a little restrictive in the heat of battle. Depending on how these changes work in the short-term this behaviour may be tweaked in the future if the placement becomes a bigger problem than the exploit it resolves.
Script/Game Balance
- Scout hide is no longer removed when taking damage.
- This was added as part of a previous bug-fix but the behaviour isn't really ideal.
- Bullet spread distribution for players & vehicles is now circular rather than square, with a small bias towards the crosshair position.