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Home > Patch notes > Version/2.33.x


Release: (TBA)

Bug fixes

Maps / Level design

Minor update to emp_canyon

  • Fixed Cubemaps not being built when the map was last published.
  • All player/vehicle clip brushes have been remade, increasing accuracy in order to prevent players from using exploits to reach the top of the hills.
    • B4 hill is now player/vehicle clipped and has restrictions in place for placing buildings.
  • Standardized core entity names to match other official maps.
  • Fixed the env_sun entity not displaying because of bad entity settings.

Minor update to emp_coast

  • Remade all clip brushes/comm/engy restrict brushes
    • Fixed various exploit spots
  • Standardized core entity names with other official maps.

Minor update to emp_mvalley

  • Added player/vehicle/comm building clips to the high ground again. After hearing feedback from a lot of players, the majority of people suggested that they preferred the gameplay without high ground being accessible.

Script/Game Balance

Script changes are visible via the empires_scripts repo on our Gitlab. Please follow the link if you would like to check exactly how the script values have changed.

Vehicle chassis

  • Reduced BE AFV Max Weight by 10
  • Reduced NF Light Tank Max Weight by 10
  • Fixed a few issues with vehicle chassis armor angle values being slightly wrong. (Used for determining which side took damage)
    • NF Jeep armor angle values were for the old model, these have been updated to reflect the geometry of the new model.
    • Both command vehicles had non-symmetrical armor angles for the back of the vehicle. Only by a few degrees, however both have been updated to resolve this.

Vehicle engines

  • APC Engines' cooling has been reduced by 1.
  • Heavy Tank Engines' cooling has been increased by 1.
  • Removed researchable Artillery Engines as they served little purpose, standard engine has been adjusted to fit its new purpose and to be more fragile (with penalties).
  • Stalling Penalties have been changed to be less impactful for armor hits and more impactful for some hull hits and generally reduced stall on heat threshold penalties.
  • Horsepower Health Penalty has been increased slightly.
  • Bio Diesel has been tweaked so it's no longer "unstoppable".

Vehicle weapons

  • Removed High-Explosive Heavy Machine Gun
  • Artillery weapons have been slightly rebalanced.
    • The trajectory of artillery projectiles have been adjusted.
    • Weight, Damage, cycle time and heat have also been adjusted.