Change Log (pre 2.25)

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Revision as of 13:16, 29 April 2006 by Blood-Wiper (talk | contribs) (Updated changelog with 1.04)
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Current Version : 1.04 Beta

Version 1.04 Beta


  • New version of emp_canyon map to fix glitches
  • New version of emp_escort map with fixes and modifications
  • New map emp_badland; it's a large commander based map with fog
  • Message of the Day panel that appears when first joining a server; it displays the server name at the top and a viewport for displaying the MOTD.txt file on the server (place just a url in the file that redirects to a web page or keep the .txt file under 2048 characters); also, clicking the "Help Guide" button will load up the Empires manual
  • Anything spotted via the F voice menu or the scout's binoculars will have a blinking red indicator over it for all players in the HUD
  • Brenodi Empire specific textures for the engineer radar and camera
  • Vehicles now take damage (directly to the hull) from impacting with other objects; the jeep is much weaker than other vehicles to reduce it being used to ram enemy tanks and get them stuck
  • APCs have spawn points, if the vehicle isn't full, then spawning at the vehicle will place the player inside, otherwise the player will spawn outside
  • APC passengers (all except the driver position) get their health refilled at 5 HP/sec and ammo refilled at the same amount as ammo crates


  • Map placed turrets now work and their level can be defined within the entity properties in Hammer
  • Barracks spawn points would not always show up/would be grouped together with another barracks
  • Explosions could hurt players through buildings and vehicles
  • Artillery tank cannon appearing backwards
  • Can't switch from the RPG until it's fully reloaded
  • Scouts using hide could stay hidden when firing
  • Players in an armory when the armory dies/recycles able to change class anywhere on the map
  • Gngineers can no longer revive players who suicide
  • Grenadiers could fire the mortar in the air by jumping and ducking
  • Grenadier's armor spotting skill was taking an excessive amount of time to show enemy armor values, similar to the scout's hide problem in 1.02
  • Command vehicle appearing as the enemy team's color when first joining the team
  • Repair stations could repair either team's vehicles


  • Reduced tank turret sensitivity
  • Reduced MG turret rate of fire for all levels
  • Increased rifleman's max ammo for rifles from 60 to 150, increased max 50 cal ammo from 30 to 60
  • Increased kick of both IMP and NF assault rifles
  • On spawn, all players receive 1/3 of their total ammo for each weapon
  • Removed weapon accuracy penalty when the scout uses his hide skill
  • Raised the player's viewpoint when crouching to more accurately reflect the location of the player's head
  • Upon firing the RPG launcher, the player must continue to hold the Fire button to guide the rocket; letting go of Fire will set the rocket to dumb fire mode and reload the RPG launcher for use again
  • Set default "zoom_sensitivity_ratio" convar to 0.3 instead of 1.0, this convar reduces mouse sensitivity when zoomed in
  • On death, set vehicle velocity to zero
  • When building a building as the commander, decreased distance the building must be away from an enemy building or vehicle to 1000 units from 3000 units
  • Enemy engineer cameras and radars no longer restrict the commander's ability to place buildings
  • The scout now retains his crosshair when hiding
  • Turret damage resistance has been lowered from 4 to 3 (damage received is divided by this number)
  • Increased length of time a unit stays spotted from 5 seconds to 7 seconds
  • Moved capture point flag model animations client-side
  • Switched damage, cycle, and kick values for the Imperial Assault Rifle with the Heavy Rifle (makes more sense that the heavy rifle does more damage

Version 1.031 Beta


  • Artillery tank cannon was backwards due to the new client-side turrets

Version 1.03 Beta


  • Vehicle turrets are now handled client-side to eliminate lag
  • Holding onto a grenade after pulling the pin will cook off the grenade down to a minimum 1 second fuse, total grenade fuse time has been increased to 6 seconds
  • Engineers now get points for healing friendly players, healing 200 points of health will give 1 rank point


  • Scout's hide was broken with 1.02
  • Spectator was causing the client to crash due to an error with the new minimap code
  • Random commander GUI based crash due to an uninitialized research variable
  • As the commander, selected turrets were not showing the correct image in the selected unit area
  • Buildings no longer animate while dead (radar spin, turret rotation, etc)
  • Vehicles getting stuck after exiting and re-entering (especially NF artillery tank)
  • Changing seats in a vehicle causing the vehicle to stop momentarily
  • Walls were not changing their physics collision mesh on raising and lowering (this only affected vehicle interaction)
  • Vehicle presets wouldn't save if your language setting was anything other than "English"
  • Bringing up the scores panel while the team or class selection panel was open would cause the team or class selection panel to show up again after joining a team/selecting a class


  • Made extensive changes to vehicle, engine, and armor properties (improved weight as well as other changes)
  • Made changes to the research tree
  • Improved how engineer buildable map objects handle players standing inside when construction is completed and they turn solid
  • Improved engineer repair kit regenerating while not in hand or while in a vehicle
  • For engineer revive, increased the distance the ragdoll can be from where the player actually died
  • A player's ragdoll is immediately removed when he respawns making it easier for an engineer to know if a player can be revived or not
  • Set NF and IMP scout rifle parameters to match in terms of accuracy and damage
  • Set engineer camera and radar and radar building to detect players/vehicles through objects
  • Increased default tickets to 200 per side

Version 1.02 Beta


  • Removed some unnecessary building and tank network vars that were wasting bandwidth
  • 'emp_sv_refinery_interval' server cvar for setting how many seconds pass before a refinery will generate a resource point (default is one second)
  • New cvar 'emp_sv_player_think' to set the frequency of the player's post think function which takes up a decent chunk of the server's cpu time when running every single frame


  • Commander crash when having only one unit selected and that unit dies
  • Players could build a vehicle from an unbuilt vehicle factory using the menu bound to "v"
  • Bots now spawn when using the commands "bot_add_nf" or "bot_add_imp", all they do is run around
  • Using the "f" voice menu while holding crouch would skip the second tier menu
  • Unbuilt armory giving ammo to vehicles
  • A player's rank in the squad menu was being displayed as one rank higher than it actually was
  • Building a turret, camera, or radar as an engineer now requires that the surface angle is greater than -45 and less than 45 (AKA the ground and not the ceiling)
  • On the team select screen, 'Northern Faction' was misspelled once and the objectives were the same for both teams
  • The Brenodi APC & AFV had areas near the front which were being treated as rear armor instead of side armor
  • Players can no longer block the vehicle factory build area to prevent vehicles from being created
  • If the interior of a vehicle factory is blocked and prevents a vehicle from being built, it no longer deducts the cost of the vehicle even though the vehicle wasn't created
  • Inverted mouse pitch now works when aiming a vehicle turret
  • A player who team kills another player loses a rank point instead of gaining one
  • Scoring rank points as a squad leader no longer goes toward extra points for the squad; only the other players in the squad's earned points go toward extra squad points
  • Commander in command view was able to be killed even though he was invisible
  • Server crash when spotting a tank's turret with the scout's binoculars
  • Server crash when a tank's turret would collide with a mine
  • Server crash when a homing missile's target was removed while the homing missile was still alive and tracking it
  • Player RPGs had stopped being guided in 1.01 Beta, they now guide as they did in 1.0 Beta
  • NF scout rifle was missing its deathmessage icon
  • On death messages in the HUD, the weapon name no longer get cut off
  • Client side assertion when bringing up the scoreboard on a 32 player server as the 32nd player
  • Entity responsible for sending player minimap positions was causing a crash when attempting to run a 64 player server
  • Optimized building collision meshes to reduce cpu usage
  • HUD now works with widescreen resolution
  • On suicide, a player no longer gains a rank point
  • Armor and engine weight and cost values were not being factored into the final weight and cost labels in the vehicle build panel


  • Moved turret rotation to the client when not attacking to save on bandwidth
  • Optimized turret range checking code for less cpu usage
  • Optimized commander visibility range checking code
  • Cut out the parts on the client dealing with physics collisions that were causing crashes
  • Optimized the player's think functions to reduce cpu usage
  • Increased cost of all vehicle chassis
  • Increased cost of all vehicle engines
  • Increased cost of all vehicle armor
  • Reduced standing spread on most infantry weapons
  • Reduced bio MG total damage done over time to 80 down from 300
  • At the end of a game, players are only locked in place now instead of freezing their controls so that they can hide the scoreboard
  • A scout using the hide skill in the open will be hidden from turrets instead of being required to be in contact with at least one surface
  • Increased max player limit to 64
  • Added "emp_env_embers" map entity which copies the "env_embers" entity but allows setting of the start and end sizes
  • Set vehicles to kill themselves immediately upon reaching their self destruct time instead of slowly hurting themselves
  • Changing class to an engineer starts the engineer kit off with zero ammo, spawning as an engineer starts the kit with full ammo
  • On damage to turrets, only the owner is notified unless there is no owner, then everyone is notified
  • Optimized netcode for entity responsible for sending player minimap positions by only sending necessary information to each team
  • Made the local player arrow icon brighter
  • Made the local player arrow show even when inside a vehicle
  • No players can spawn when there is only one reinforcement remaining

Version 1.01 Beta

March 17, 2006


  • Linux for running a linux server
  • 'emp_sv_vehicle_resource_interval' and 'emp_sv_player_resource_interval' cvars for setting the interval between updating player & vehicle resource managers which send all info needed for the minimap
  • 'emp_sv_vehicle_fadout_time' cvar for determining how long vehicle wreckage exists before being removed
  • 'emp_sv_netvisdist_player', 'emp_sv_netvisdist_building', 'emp_sv_netvisdist_vehicle', and 'emp_sv_netvisdist_commander' cvars which determine how far each type of entity can be seen, commander affects how far the commander can see other entities
  • Support for 'mp_autoteambalance', if a player tries to change teams and it would make the teams uneven, then the player is forced to the team with the fewest players
  • 'emp_sv_vehicle_selfdestruct_time' cvar (default: 300 seconds) that determines how long a vehicle will go unoccupied before it starts to damage itself and then die
  • Successfully moved all server-side vehicle wheel physics simulation to the client (steering, wheel height, wheel rotation) which reduces a lot of wasted network bandwidth
  • Three new voice taunts
  • "commander under attack" warning when the commander takes damage, only played once every 30 seconds
  • "<building name> under attack" warning when a building takes damage, only played once every 30 seconds
  • Map specific config files located in the "/cfg/maps/" dir; the .cfg file that has the same name as the map name is executed on map start; specifically for setting the number of resources/reinforcements per map (emp_escort NF reinforcements for example)


  • A research item was missing an icon
  • Brenodi Empires could continue to build vehicles past their limit
  • 'mp_timelimit' works correctly now, when time is reached, both team reinforcements count down at a rate of 2 per second
  • When recycling a building, your team would gain the refund as reinforcements instead of resources, whoops
  • As grenadier, oldest dropped mine was not always being detonated when attempting to drop more than eight mines
  • Minimap would not show spotted/binocular targetted vehicles and buildings if they were out of your PVS (ie, not visible)
  • Reduced network bandwidth used by minimap
  • The player in the last slot on a server was not being shown on the scoreboard
  • Northern Faction MG Level 3 turret's barrels were spaced too far apart to hit infantry
  • Crash when canceling/completing an order and the target of the order was already removed from the game
  • Crash when trying to issue praise to a squadmate that didn't exist
  • Crash when a shell/mortar detonated and couldn't find its owner
  • Crash when spotting a target with the binoculars, then 120 secs would pass and the binocs would try to remove the spotted status except the target had already been destroyed/removed
  • Crash when a mine was checking if a vehicle that touched it had a passenger with mine defusal to prevent detonation
  • Crash when denying a player from joining your squad
  • Various client crashes (the big crash that affects everyone is a real pain, it's not fixed but it's rearranged to give me more info in the memory dumps on what exactly is going wrong)


  • Increased horsepower for some vehicle engines
  • Various infantry weapons (hmg, scout rifle, pistols, brenodi rifles)
  • Removed server vehicle wheel dust generation to reduce network traffic and time spent thinking
  • Reduced time spent calculating physics
  • Set voice commands to require at least a 3 second wait time before issuing another command
  • Added a larger arrow over the local player on the minimap
  • Increased rate all players can build buildings to 1 HP per every 0.5 seconds (engineer's build at 1 HP per every 0.2 seconds)
  • A scout can use secondary attack while hidden and not be revealed, can also use binoculars and not be revealed
  • A scout's rank affects how fast his invisibility skill hides him by lessening it one second per rank achieved (to a minimum of 2 seconds)
  • Scout's invisibility now goes into effect even if the scout is not touching anything (50% transparency)
  • Both command vehicle driver view points now sit atop the vehicle so that you have a frame of reference while driving
  • Instead of putting '(Comm)' in front of the commander's name, the commander's class is set to 'Commander'
  • Engineers get points for repairing the commander's walls
  • Reduced frequency of updates for when a turret is playing its idle animation, need to move it fully client-side though
  • Changed turret collision mesh from a pyramid shape to a box so that vehicles won't drive up onto them and get stuck
  • Split resources and refinery cvar multiplier into separate cvars for each team, this is so that the reinforcements for NF can be increased by the server for emp_escort
  • Set HMGs to increase in spread with each bullet fired, inaccuracy starts to take hold if the weapon is fired for too long


  • Engineer's ability to build buildings via '+use'

Version 1.0 Beta

March 4, 2006

  • Initial Release
  • Added: ALL