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Notice the skill boxes on the bottom

Skills are gained by getting promoted to a new rank, which are as follows:

Insignia Rank Required Rank Points
Private.gif Private (PVT) at least 0 rank points
PFC.gif Private First Class (PFC) at least 10 rank points
Corporal.gif Corporal (CPL) at least 20 rank points
Sergeant.gif Sergeant (SGT) at least 30 rank points
Staff-Sergeant.gif Staff Sergeant (SSG) at least 40 rank points

Rank will continue to increase, however there are only four useabel skill upgrades. Depending on the map, it is rare, but not unheard of for people to accumulate over 100 points.

Rank points are rewarded when players:

  • Kill other players
  • Destroy enemy structures
  • Destroy enemy vehicles
  • Repair 100 units worth of structures or equipment (excluding your own structures, but including dis-assembly of enemy equipment)
  • Heal 200 health points of friendly players
  • Revive a dead teammate (Engineer)
  • Command (Commander)
  • Participate in Squads
  • Spot a vehicle or building that is then destroyed by another player (Scout)
  • Sabotage 2 buildings (Scout)
  • Defuse 2 mines (Grenadier)

Once you gain enough skill points to advance to the next rank, a new skill slot is opened in the class selection dialogue. The player is promoted once for every 10 points received. There is a maximum of 4 skill slots available.

General Skills

General Skills
  • Health Upgrade: Increases your maximum amount of health to 130%. The ability to take more damage makes this a good upgrade to use if you don't know what other skills to get.
  • Health Regeneration: Slowly regenerates health, 1hp/2sec. This is one of the less useful skills, it takes a very long time to regenerate to full health, even with minor injuries.
  • Ammo Increase: Doubles total ammunition and the rate at which you may gather it. Does not affect clip sizes, and stickybombs aren't collected aster.
  • Stamina Increase: Doubles the rate that your stamina recharges, a good skill for dashing from one piece of cover to the next. For scouts, your stamina will recharge four times as fast as normal.
  • Speed Upgrade: Increases the normal moving, running and sprinting speeds to 115% their normal value, and is generally useful when you don't have access to vehicles but have to reach the front line very quickly. This is better than Stamina Increase if you have a long distance to cover. Despite being only a 15% increase it makes a very big difference, especially for dodging tanks a grenadier.
  • Accuracy Upgrade: Increases accuracy on all weapons, different weapons are affected in varying degrees, but in general it will make your weapon about 50% more effective.
  • Melee Upgrade: Increases melee damage from SMGs and pistols, enabling a melee hit to instantly kill a player. However due to poor lag compensation on melee attacks, it doesn't work on players who aren't standing still.

Class-Specific Skills

In addition to general skills, each class has a set of its own unique abilities. These skills can be accessed on the Skill Selection screen by expanding the dropdown in the upper-left side and choosing the Class Specific option.


Engineer Skills
  • Healing Upgrade: Increases the rate at which you heal team mates.
  • Repair Upgrade: Increases the rate at which you repair friendly structures and vehicles and disassemble the enemy's. This skill will also reduce the drain rate of using the repair tool by roughly 1/3. Considered the most powerful of the Engineer's skills.
A good skill when coupled with a good commander who gives you plenty of work to do, also useful at the start of the game when buildings need to erected quickly. This is a good way to start as a new player, as there are always things that need to be built and most commanders like havening someone who is focusing on building up the base.
  • Turret Upgrade: Allows the Engineer to upgrade their own turrets, regardless of team research level.
Combined with repair upgrade, an engineer can set up a level 3 turret on one tool charge.
  • Revive: Allows the Engineer to bring a fallen team mate back to life (the player will not have to use a ticket when spawning during this process) Select your engineer tool and use it on the fallen teammate. Has a limited range. Dead players will have an icon over them allowing them to be found easier.
Unlike the other skills, reviving a dead player takes 50 units of charge.
  • Vehicle Cooling Increases the rate of driven vehicles heat dissipation by 10%.


Grenadier Skills
  • Defusal: Allows the Grenadier to remove enemy mines from the field, clearing the way for others to safely pass. Grenadiers can also step on mines and drive on them without harm when they have this skill activated. This skill will not protect the grenadier from damage if someone detonates the mine.
  • Artillery Feedback: Shows an indicator on the minimap, in the form of a white diamond, which marks the location of the last shell's contact point (from mortar, RPG, artillery tanks, or vehicle-mounted missile launchers).
  • Armor Detection: Allows the Grenadier to know the health of enemy vehicles. When the crosshair is pointed at an enemy vehicle, it will be displayed at the bottom of the player's screen in the same manner as if the player were inside it. This includes the status of armor plating on all sides of the targeted vehicle.
  • Increased Armor: Reduces damage dealt to the armor of a vehicle piloted by the grenadier.


Scout Skills
  • Hide: Become transparent by staying crouched or prone for at least five seconds (each promotion lets you become transparent 1 second faster). The Scout becomes less visible with more of his body touching a wall or walls. It will conceal the user from Machine Gun turrets and prevent the enemy commander from targeting the Scout, but it doesn't conceal from an enemy Scout with the "Enhanced Senses" skill. However, it automatically deactivates when firing guns, standing, or taking damage, but does not deactivate when using melee attacks.
  • Enhanced Senses: You have access to both allied and enemy information on your minimap. Works like a portable camera, but this ability has a small radius, the information is not conveyed to team-mates, and the targets aren't highlighted on your main screen. However, there is no delay between the enemy location and the information presented on your screen, so unlike camera's targeting squares, you know exactly where the enemy is. Furthermore, this enhanced mini-map displays everything that the enemy can normally see- you know exactly what direction the enemy is facing and you can see hidden scouts.
  • Weapon Silencer: Reduces weapon noise by 50%, and hides kill and death messages. A unit killed by the Scout will not appear on the game's kill counter, even as a suicide- the only way to confirm his death is by checking the death or kill tallies on the scoreboard.
  • Vehicle Speed: Increase speed of any vehicle the player drives by 20%.
  • Radar Stealth: Hides the player, while driving any vehicle from surveillance structures.


Rifleman Skills
  • Dig In: Deals 25% of all damage taken to the stamina meter whilst crouching or prone.
  • Improved Rifle Damage: Increases Rifle and Pistol damage by 10%.
  • Improved Vehicle Damage: Increase vehicle weapon damage by 10%

Inert Skills

Classes also have inert skill upgrades. As a player gains rank, they naturally become slightly better at their profession.


  • Wall Mastery: Engineers increase their max wall limit above 10 as their rank increase. They get 2 additional wall per rank.
  • Turret Mastery: After reaching Staff Sargent, Engineers are able to place 2 turrets instead of just 1.
  • Surveillance Mastery: After reaching Staff Sargent, Engineers are able to place 2 Cameras/Radars instead of just 1.


  • Camouflage Expertise: For every rank a scout earns, the time it takes for them to hide drops.