Dedicated Server Setup
Setting up empires dedicated server (win):
Getting the files needed:
First of all you need the Hlds update tool [1] This is what we use to update/download the server
We also need the empires dedicated files [2]
And if you want to use mani admin plugin all documentation & download url is here
First we need to download the SDS (Source Dedicated Server)
To download we open up hldsupdatetool.exe and download the tool to fx. "C:\HL2DS"
When you have finished installing the update tool open the install folder in command prompt and type:
hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game "hl2mp" -dir C:\HL2DS (Where C:\HL2DS is, use your own installpath)
This will download all files neccessairy to host a Half-life2 deathmatch server (and Empires)
And remember to "Go get yourself a cup of coffee." as valve said, this will take some time
Now when done you have to install the empires dedicated server files to "C:\HL2DS\empires" (use your own install path)
Now you have basically installed Empires & SDS and all thats left is creating a shortcut and configuring your server
First of all lets start with the shortcut because we want to be able to play ;)
Create a shortcut of "srcds.exe" and place it where you want then go to properties of the shortcut
and enter "-game empires +maxplayers 14 -port 27015 -console +map emp_canyon -autoupdate" without the ""
It sould look like "srcds.exe -game empires +maxplayers 14 -port 27015 -console +map emp_canyon -autoupdate"
change your maxplayers & port if you have to
After that i suggest you edit the mapcycle.txt file & server.cfg to your desired settings
When editing your server.cfg remember to change:
rcon_password "pass" //Your rcon password
hostname "Servername" //The name of your server
these are the most important settings to change, there are more in the cfg so test around what is best for you
Now you have set up Empires dedicated server, congratz
If i got something wrong or mistyped anything by all means fix it --Desidius 07:29, 13 March 2006 (EST)