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Empires 2.12 Indexes
//These values are returned by the m_iChassis offset of the netclass CEmpTank 0 "NF Jeep" 1 "NF APC" 2 "NF Light Tank" 3 "NF Med Tank" 4 "NF Heavy Tank" 5 "NF Arty Tank" 6 "Imperial Jeep" 7 "Imperial APC" 8 "Imperial AFV" 9 "Imperial Med Tank" 10 "Imperial Heavy Tank" 11 "Imperial Arty Tank" 12 "Imperial Commander" 13 "NF Commander"
Vehicle Weapons
//These values are returned by the m_iWeapon offset of the netclass CEmpTankTurret 0 "Standard Machine Gun" 1 "Bio Machine Gun" 2 ".50 Caliber Medium Machine Gun" 3 ".50 Caliber Heavy Machine Gun" 4 "Anti-Tank Machine Gun" 5 "Anti-Tank Heavy Machine Gun" 6 "Chain Gun" 7 "Medium Chain Gun" 8 "Plasma Machine Gun" 9 "HE MG" 10 "Standard Cannon" 11 "Ranged Cannon" 12 "High Explosive Cannon" 13 "Plasma Cannon" 14 "Rail Gun" 15 "smallArtilleryCannon" 16 "medArtilleryCannon" 17 "High Explosive Artillery" 18 "Ranged Artillery Cannon" 19 "singleMissileLauncher" 20 "Upgraded Missile Launcher" 21 "Biological Warhead" 22 "Nuclear Warhead" 23 "salvoMissileLauncher" 24 "guidedMissileLauncher" 25 "Upgraded Guided ML" 26 "homingMissileLauncher" 27 "Upgraded Homing Missile Launcher" 28 "salvoHomingMissileLauncher" 29 "grenadeLauncher" 30 "Upgraded Grenade Launcher" 31 "smallBombBay" 32 "largeBombBay"
//These values are returned by the Multiple Offsets of the netclass CResearchResource 1 "Physics" 2 "Superheated Material Physics" 3 "Plasma Cannon Projectile" 4 "Plasma Bullet Projectile" 5 "Projectile Physics" 6 "Reflective Armor" 7 "Extended Range Cannon" 8 "Heavy Caliber Machine Gun" 9 "Nuclear Fission" 10 "Fission Reactor" 11 "Nuclear Warhead" 12 "Chemistry" 13 "Improved Flagration Compounds" 14 "Explosive Tipped Bullets" 15 "Improved Detonation Compounds" 16 "Upgraded Grenades" 17 "Explosive Shells" 18 "Improved Warhead Compounds" 19 "Upgraded Missile Warhead" 20 "Upgraded Grenadier RPG" 21 "Advanced Grenadier RPG" 22 "Improved Heat Transfer Fluids" 23 "Advanced Coolant Engine" 24 "Absorbant Materials" 25 "Absorbant Armor" 26 "Mechanical Engineering" 27 "Upgraded Chassis" 28 "Medium Tank Chassis" 29 "Advanced Chassis" 30 "Heavy Tank Chassis" 31 "Artillery Tank Chassis" 32 "Advanced Machining" 33 "Composite Armor" 34 "Gas Turbine Engine" 35 "Electrical Engineering" 36 "Advanced Magnet Research" 37 "Rail Gun" 38 "3 Phase Electric Motor" 39 "Reactive Armor" 40 "Tracking Systems" 41 "Homing Missiles" 42 "Guided Missiles" 43 "Upgraded Turrets Lvl 2" 44 "Upgraded Turrets Lvl 3" 45 "Improved Detonators" 46 "Biology" 47 "Regenerative Armor" 48 "Bio Diesel Engine" 49 "Biological Weaponry" 50 "Biological Warhead" 51 "Biological Projectile"