Releasing a Map
This is supposed to guide you though some convetions that should be used before you release a map. This won't explain how to create the map itself, however it will provide links and useful information which can be used during the mapping process. This is a list of what should be done.
Naming your map
During the mapping process think about naming of your map. A map name usually consists of 3 parts, prefix(es), the namename and suffix(es). While there are no strict rules on naming, you should have a look at the following guidelines for determining how to name your map:
Map Prefix(es)
You should use something to represent the game type played. As of now empires maps don't follow these convetions, however tagging a map as emp_ctf_mapname (for example) makes clear which gametype is run on the particular map.
Map Name
I encourage you not to add your own (nick-)name to the maptitle because it makes the mapname senselessly complicated in the most cases (If you are afraid of copyright theft or anything like that, put your name into the map in several places (brushes, models, decals, descriptions) and protect your map against decompiles.). Apart from that you should stick to a short and meaningful title dedicated the style of the map (For example: emp_isle takes place on an island). Also you should try to use real words instead of random characters ("Wrong" example: emp_roflwtf!BBQz3).
The suffix of a map should be related to the map's version. The first part of the suffix should represent the current state the map is in (for example, Alpha, Beta or "Release Candiate"). The 2nd part should be the curret release number (according to its state). Here is a list of the Suffixes I recommend to use:
- prealpha
- This should be used on a very early release. A Pre-Alpha shouldn't be released unless you want to preview your map. In addition, a pre-alpha usually lacks most of the maps planned feature and is not intended to be playable.
- a or alpha
- Alphas are early releases, it should be avoided to release alphas. Alphas can be playable (but don't have to) to a certain extent, but it is likly that they contain many bugs or are quite imblanced. In addition, alphas lack many features planned for newer versions.
- b or beta
- Betas are early releases. Betas are playable, but are still unblanced, bugged or not feature complete.
- rc
- RCs (or Release Candiates) are pre-final releases to sort out any remaining bugs or issues. These should be optimised and feature complete.
- final (or no suffix)
- Final maps are really final; they are thoughly tested, feature completed and all bugs have been sorted out. Usually it means that you stopped working on the map aswell and that there are no future versions.
- Personally I recommend not to use a tag if you intend a map release to be final.
- fix (special case)
- fix suffixes should be used the map release a small, but required release to remove game-breaking game bugs or imbalances. This suffix should be added in addition (for example: emp_mymap_b4_fix).
- v2, v3, ..., vn (n being any number)
- You should use a vn tag if you deceided to continue work on a previously final map - or if you intent the release to be an alternate version of your map (you might want to use emp_mymap2 instead). However personally I dislike seeing this unless it's really required.
Testing your map for consistency
This means that you try to get rid of any errors/exploits that occur. These include, but are not limited to:
Compile Errors
Generally all compile errors should be removed as they are there for a reason. Errors that can be ignored are the exception.
- For further reading on what the specific error does and how to fix them, visit
Console Errors
This is pretty much the same as for compile errors. Console errors are there for a reason and shouldn't be ingored. However these are usually less harmful compared to compile error, but they still cause problems or notify you of unintended baviour.
Here is a list of some common errors:
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (<modelname>)
This means your models won't have collisions enabled. You can fix this by changing collisions of the partical prop_static to bounding box or no collisions.
Leaks are caused in case some parts of your inner map touch the void (the black area around). Leaks generally can cause some very wierd map behavor such as horrible framerates, objects falling though floors, wierd looks or insane compile times. Therefore leaks should be fixed in any case.
- Further reading about what a leak is:
Possible map exploits that can be used to gain an unfair advantage. This can be achieved by building a wall to get to some places you are not supposed to go to and building stuff there. In general this can be prevented by using clip textures/invisble textures/comm no build areas where you want the players not go or commanders not to drop buildings.
It is very important that you optimise your map to it's fullest. Nobody wants to play a laggy map. Even if you think fps are ok you should try to optimise your map even further. Keep in mind there might be situation where 64 players and 20 tanks aswell as some buildings meet in the same place hogging down the frames. Your goal should be to achieve very high fps so it leaves enough resources for any situation you can think of.
I won't describe the following optimisation techniques in detail, however all of these should be considered to be used in the map.
Fading Distances
Additional Resources
There are quite a few guides out there explaining the optimisation process in detail. See the following links for details:
Testing your map
Make sure to test your map thoughly. This means you are not only going around to test it your self, but also test it with your friends or give it to experienced mappers to test it for you. The point of this that you possibly sort out any additonal bugs you haven't found. Also getting a second always helps to improve your map
Final Compile
This should be done because it should give the best looks. Keep in mind final compiles will take quite some time. A final compile means:
- Full VBSP
- Full VVIS
- Final VRAD (LDR mode)
- Final VRAD (HDR mode)
- Compiled Cubemaps afterwards
Yet another test
You should check the map for any problems that occur again. Sometimes problems occur due to the compile even if they haven't before. If you find any problems fix these before going on. I recommend to do a backup in case everything goes allright at this state before going on with the next steps.
This guide has been created by Omega_K2.
Links & Further Reading