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Revision as of 02:01, 6 January 2019 by Thexa4 (talk | contribs)
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Physicall based rendering shader.


- $basetexture - The albedo texture
- $normaltexture - The normal map
- $mraotexture - A texture with the metalness on the red channel, roughness on the green channel and ambient occlusion on the blue channel.
- $envmap - Must be set to "env_cubemap"
- $pbrlookup - Must be set to "dev/pbr_lookup"
- $surfaceprop - One of the following: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/$surfaceprop
- %keywords - A list of keywords separated by commas, should contain 'empires' as first element. Examples of keywords are: architectural,brown,gray,grime,hanger,industrial,metal,modern,shed,urban,wall,floor
- $basetexturetransform - Looks like this: "center 0.5 0.5 scale 0.1025 0.1025 rotate 0 translate 0 0" for a 2m by 2m texture.