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Revision as of 11:39, 24 June 2007 by BlackRedDead (talk | contribs)
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I have NEVER heard anyone ever call a camera a pixerduhduh. Should that be in jargon? Also, broccoli, what, you don't like man-eating bears? Jeez, it's like you want this wiki to be helpful and useful and not filled with stupid jokes or something. Wierdo!!!--The Buttery Lobster 17:13, 23 June 2007 (EDT)

Whoops, I must have missed the joke about the BEAR, I was having to merge because every time I tried to submit, you had already updated the article *mumble, mumble*... I'll add it back in. Pixerduhduh came from the forums, not from in-game. I can't remember the source, but I've heard it used several times since (only jokingly, of course. 'Cam' is much more practical on the battlefield). Broccoli 17:16, 23 June 2007 (EDT)

Well I have to be afk until tomorrow now, and I can't think of any more common jargon that people use... maybe something about jeep races, or something, but I can't think of anything. At any rate, I'll not be here, so you might actually be able to edit stuff :). The only other terms I can think of relate to the forums, such as Krenzyte, Dev, or variants of important ppl's names. Also the definition of "Flip/Flipped" needs a link to the ninth mine trick.--The Buttery Lobster 17:23, 23 June 2007 (EDT)

Thought: Yesterday, someone (Bodrick, i think?) called me a "Splitter" when I tried to join NF and everyone was BE during the jeep races when Bodrick used admin power to override alot of the usual restrictions. WTF is a splitter, and should it be included in the jargon?--The Buttery Lobster 00:39, 24 June 2007 (EDT)