User talk:The Buttery Lobster

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Revision as of 10:46, 22 June 2007 by BlackRedDead (talk | contribs)
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So what clans are you considering joining? - Evan

I can honestly say I'm not looking to join ANY clans until I get a microphone and figure out how to install ventrillo/x-fire/irc/all that computer crap that I've never used before. (I'm such a technophobe)--The Buttery Lobster 23:12, 21 June 2007 (EDT)

Don't bother, they're infinitely difficult. Do you know how to program in notepad? cause that's the only way to work them. For all the voice stuff, you actually have to enter in the binary for every word you have in your vocabulary. That way when you speak, the program can understand your words and then relay them over tubes to other users, who have to read binary on the fly while they play. I have mine stream along the side of my screen, but I have a widescreen so it's ok.

The pro is that you get to learn binary, the con is that it takes a long time. I say stay clanless, even if it means not being able to take down level 3 turrets

Till later 01011011001110001100101010101000101001110101001101001101100110110110110001001011101000101000100110101010110 - KT

omg I'm so bored. why isn't the PUG NOW darn it, I want a pug!! and jeep races!!!--The Buttery Lobster 23:46, 21 June 2007 (EDT)