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Emp cap point

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The tracker entity for a capture point. These are almost always used in association with a Emp_cap_model, which shows the status of the cap point and allows for physical captures. To set up a flag you need to have at least one brush based emp_cap_point, which designates the area in which the player must be in order to capture the point. This brush will be invisble ingame.


  • Name <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by.
  • Number of this capture point <integer>
Allows other flag-related brushes and flags to link to this brush. Use a number, 1 or higher.
  • Location name <string>
What name will be displayed ingame.
  • Time to Capture <integer>
Time it will take for the flag to be captured (in seconds).
  • Time to Neutral <integer>
Time it takes for the other team to remove your ownership from it before they can start capturing (in seconds).
  • Players required (NF) <integer>
The number of players required to capture of team Northern Faction.
  • Players required (Imp) <integer>
The number of players required to capture of team Brenodi Empire.
  • NF cappable <boolean>
Can the capture point be captured by the Northern Faction?
  • IMP cappable <boolean>
Can the capture point be captured by the Brenodi Empire?
  • Owned by <options>
Whoever owns the flag by default (if anyone).
  • Neutral
  • Northern Faction
  • Brenodi Empire
  • Resource to give the NF <integer>
Number of resources to give to the Northern Faction per second when they have it captured. (per second)
  • Resource to give the Imp <integer>
Number of resources to give to the Brenodi Empire per second when they have it captured. (per second)
  • Tickets to take from NF <integer>
Number of reinforcements to take from the Northern Faction when the Brenodi Empire have it captured. (per second)
  • Tickets to take from Imp <integer>
Number of reinforcements to take from the Brenodi Empire when the Northern Faction have it captured. (per second)


This entity has no flags.


  • Used with an Emp_cap_model to actually display the point.
  • There is a max of 32 Individual Points.