The Fast DownLoad server allows users to quickly and automatically download any content required for the map currently in play on the server they are trying to connect to.
Using the public FastDL
Set your sv_downloadurl to
Uploading a map to the public FastDL
- Enter the name of your map
- Select map-critical files
- Map bsp
- Map resource file
- Minimap material
- Minimap texture
- You can add/remove files to be uploaded by pressing the +/- button
- Select any additional files and enter their paths as they are to be located in the client's files
- Map navmesh
- Map config file
- Custom assets - materials, models, sounds
- Check the box to upload the files to all servers
- Click send to upload files to the FastDL server
- If you included a .res file, the uploader will automatically check the files you're uploading against it. Otherwise, it will autogenerate a .res file instead.