Map:emp blah
Home > Map:emp blah

Emp_blah4 is divided in two parts, north and south. The Northern Faction starts in the north while the Brenodi Empire starts in the south. Blah has 10 refineries and 2 capture points (flag).
Starting Refineries: 1x2
Starting Resources: 150
Refineries: 8x1, 2x2
Total Amount of Resources: 22
Tickets: 400
Commander Strategies
Points of Interest
Western Capture Point: The Western capture point is a bit out of your way but if you capture it (requires 1 player) it will provide your team with 5 resources per second. Eastern Capture Point: The Eastern capture point is a bit out of your way but if you capture it (requires 1 player) it will provide your team with 5 resources per second.