Modelling Pipeline

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Documentation of the current modelling pipeline.

This article has not been updated for some time
This article has been tagged as abandoned and may be removed at some point in the future in order to keep the wiki tidy.

Current Texture Pipeline

  1. Create image
  2. Import image in vtfedit
  3. Select settings
  4. Save as .vtf format

Need to be repeated from stage 2 every time the image is edited.

Current Model Pipeline (blender)

  • Install blender source tools
  1. Make model in blender
  2. Export to correct file format
  3. Create qc file
  4. Run qc file through studiomdl
  5. Place textures in correct folder only when texture changes
    • (see texture pipeline)
  6. Place materials in correct folder only when material changes
  7. Load model into hlmv

(more detail here: )

Need to be repeated from stage 2 every time the model is edited.

TODO: Needs more pipelines from different programs.