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Template:Arty Table

From Empires Wiki

|- | [[File:{{{image}}}]] || {{{name}}} || {{{desc}}} || {{{research}}} || {{{cost}}} || {{{damage}}} || {{{weight}}} || {{{reload}}} || {{{damtype}}} || {{{ammo}}} || {{{cycle}}} || {{{heat}}} || {{{speed}}} || {{{gravity}}} |-


  • image = Image filename without the "File:" at the beginning (Image.png)
  • name = Name
  • desc = Description
  • research = Prerequisite research
  • cost = Resource cost
  • damage = Damage
  • weight = Weight
  • reload = Reload time
  • damtype = Damage type
  • ammo = Ammo rounds/clips
  • cycle = Cycle (rate of fire)
  • heat = Heat received/given
  • speed = Projectile speed
  • gravity = Gravity modifier


{{Arty Table |  image=ac_std_med.png | name=180mm Artillery Cannon | desc=An artillery cannon with high damage, medium reload time and medium-short range. It has a slightly longer range than the 203mm cannon. | research=None | cost=60 | damage=265 | weight=60 | reload=4.5 | damtype=ExplosiveArt | ammo=10/4 | cycle=2.5 | heat=15/0 | speed=2000 | gravity=0.55 }}


Image Name Description Prerequisite Cost Damage Weight Reload Time (sec) Damage Type Rounds/ Clips RoF Heat Self/To Target Speed Gravity
180mm Artillery Cannon An artillery cannon with high damage, medium reload time and medium-short range. It has a slightly longer range than the 203mm cannon. None 60 265 60 4.5 ExplosiveArt 10/4 2.5 15/0 2000 0.55
203mm Artillery Cannon An artillery cannon with extremely high damage, slow reload time and short range. It has a slightly shorter range than the 180mm cannon. None 80 375 75 8 ExplosiveArt 10/3 4.75 25/0 1900 0.57
High Explosive Artillery An artillery cannon with the largest explosion radius, medium damage and medium range. High Explosive Shells 90 200 100 7 ExplosiveArt 10/3 3.5 15/0 1800 0.4
Ranged Artillery Cannon An artillery cannon with low damage but fairly large explosion radius. It has the furthest range of all artillery cannons. Extended Range Cannon 100 150 100 8 KineticArt 10/3 2.5 20/0 2800 0.6