Tutorial: Add custom gibs to your model
To add gibs you need to know some details: Gibs spawn after a model reaches 0 health. Your model needs healthpoints > 0 and it must be vunerable to weapons. To set the health of a model and modify weapondamage use the $keyvalues directive. By adding $collisiontext you can use custom gibs. Have a look at this example. The 4 gibs are created from the original model called cactus1.mdl and fit exactly together. Place cactus1.mdl on the map as prop_physics or prop_dynamic.
I created the model and the gibs and saved them as SMD:
cactus1_LOD0.smd cactus1_LOD1.smd cactus1_phys.smd cactus1_gib0.smd cactus1_gib1.smd cactus1_gib2.smd cactus1_gib3.smd
This is the .qc code for the gibs.
$modelname "common\props_foliage\misc\cacti\cactus1_gib#.mdl" $model "cactus1_gib0" "cactus1_gib#.smd" $keyvalues { "prop_data" { "base" "Flesh.Tiny" "health" "1" } } $cdmaterials "\common\nature\" $surfaceprop "watermelon" $scale 1 $sequence idle "idle.smd" $collisionmodel "cactus1_gib#.smd" { $mass 0.1 }
I replaced the # with the numbers (0-3) and got 4 models named as followed (by compiling them, see:Tutorial: Create your own models) :
cactus1_gib0.mdl cactus1_gib1.mdl cactus1_gib2.mdl cactus1_gib3.mdl
Compile this model last. The important commands are $keyvalues (and prop_data) and $collisiontext.
This is the .qc code for the parent model:
$modelname "common\props_foliage\misc\cacti\cactus1.mdl" $model "cactus1_LOD0" "cactus1_LOD0.smd" $lod 100 { replacemodel "cactus1_LOD0" "cactus1_LOD1.smd" } $keyvalues { "prop_data" { "base" "Flesh.Tiny" "health" "10" "dmg.club" "5" "physicsmode" "1" "allowstatic" "1" "multiplayer_break" "both" "physdamagescale" "5" } fire_interactions { explosive_resist "no" // Clamp blast damage so that the prop ignites instead of breaking. flammable "yes" // Can be ignited by fire and explosions. } } $cdmaterials "\common\nature\" $surfaceprop "watermelon" $scale 1 $sequence idle "idle.smd" $collisiontext { break { "model" "\common\props_foliage\cactus1_gib0.mdl" "health" "1" "fadetime" "10"} break { "model" "\common\props_foliage\cactus1_gib1.mdl" "health" "1" "fadetime" "5"} break { "model" "\common\props_foliage\cactus1_gib2.mdl" "health" "1" "fadetime" "5"} break { "model" "\common\props_foliage\cactus1_gib3.mdl" "health" "1" "fadetime" "10"} } $collisionmodel "cactus1_phys.smd" { $concave $mass 5.0 $inertia 1.00 $damping 0.00 $rotdamping 0.00 $masscenter 0 0 -10 }
usage: break { "model" "<path>" options}
<path> path to the gib
"health" "1" override the gibs health (set to 1)
"fadetime" "10" gib disapears after 10 seconds
usage: prop_data
Note: Make sure that the base value of "prop_data" is equal in all models.