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The following is a WIP Script for a tutorial map.

Starting room

Welcome to Empires, an RTS/FPS hybrid for the Source engine. This tutorial will teach you the basics of playing Empires. Let’s start with the basic rules of the game. At the start of the standard gameplay, you will have to vote for a commander. You should try to vote in someone who has a lot of experience in commanding. Keep in mind that a clan tag does not equal commanding experience. After the voting period ends, all players will be able to spawn at the spawn point they have chosen. The elected commander will spawn in the command vehicle, and the game will begin. The primary goal of each team is to destroy the opposing team’s command vehicle. The destruction of the command vehicle will result in a win for the other team The game can also end if all the players on one team are dead, and have no means of re-spawning. Certain maps which deviate from the standard gameplay have flags that can be captured. If one team captures all the flags, it is usually an instant victory.

Now lets talk a little about the interface. Like any RTS, Empires has a mini-map. All friendly buildings, players, vehicles, and spotted enemies are shown on this map. It is really useful for making a quick assessment of battlefield conditions. You can view a larger version of this map by pressing your map key

<insert HUD tip showing you what that key is bound to>

In the following areas, you will see what each building looks like for both teams. The Brenodi Empire's buildings will be seen to the left, and the Northern Faction's buildings will be seen to the right. Each building has a unique function that is crucial to the game. When you are ready, you may begin your tour of the buildings by entering the next area.

Barracks room

The barracks acts as a spawn point and allows you to change your class. To change your class, enter the barracks, and press your change class key.

<insert HUD tip showing you what that key is bound to>

You should note that spawning costs your team one re-enforcement ticket. If your team runs out of tickets, they will not be able to re-spawn. The ticket count can be seen at the top of the screen

<draw attention to ticket count>

When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Armory room

The armory contains health and ammo crates, which replenish you when you press your use key. <insert HUD tip showing you what that key is bound to> You can also change your class in an armory, just like in a barracks. Vehicles that are near armories will have their ammo replenished When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Vehicle Factory room

Now for the fun part! Vehicle Factories can be used to customize and create your own tanks and jeeps. To build a Vehicle, find the screen inside the Vehicle Factory, and press your use key on it. Alternatively, just step into the factory and press your vehicle customization key.

<insert HUD tip showing you what that key is bound to>

Vehicles play an important role in the later stages of the game. You have 3 essential areas of your vehicle to configure. The weapons, the armor, and the engine. Each of these has their own resource and weight costs. You cannot build your tank if you do not have enough resources or if your customizations go over the chassis weight limit. You will need weapons on your tank if you expect it to last long, so make sure it has some! As your commander researches better armors, you will want to use those. Different armors have different strengths and weaknesses against different weapons. But for now, all you have is plain armor, which isn’t very good at all. As you are firing your weapons and blowing your enemies to smithereens, your tank will start to heat up. If it over heats, your engine will stall and you will not be able to fire your weapons until it cools off a bit. You will need a good engine on your tank if you want to keep firing your weapons, so be sure to use one other than the standard when possible. After picking your weapons, armor, and engine, you will need to assign your weapons to slot numbers. This is very important, as you cannot build your tank unless they have been assigned. When pressing a weapon slot key, all weapons on the vehicle that are bound to that slot will become active, and will respond to your primary and secondary fire buttons. You can bind a weapon to more than one slot. After finalizing your customizations, you can build the tank by pressing the build button. Tanks can be entered or exited by pressing the use key. When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Radar room

The radar will show you enemy vehicles that are in its range on your mini-map. More importantly, it allows your commander to research better weapons, armors, and engines for the vehicles. If you see an unbuilt radar in your base, it is a good idea to build it as soon as possible When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Refinery room

Refineries are placed on top of resource nodes, like the one in the center of this room. When built, they generate a steady stream of resources for your team automatically. Resources are needed for the commander to place buildings and to purchase tanks. It’s very important to capture resource nodes by building refineries on them early in the game to make sure your team doesn’t get left in the other team’s dust. You should note that resource nodes can be represented differently on various maps. However, one trait that is usually found on all resource nodes is a smokestack coming from the ground. Most maps also mark resource nodes with yellow dots on the mini-map. When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Repair Station room

Vehicles parked on the repair station that are not in combat will slowly repair themselves. They will also restock on ammo. If you press your vehicle customization key while on the repair pad, you can reconfigure your tank load-out. This can be very useful, as you can upgrade your tank without wasting resources on a new tank chassis. When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Turret room

Turrets are your average stationary defense. They sit there and wait for enemies. If it sees an enemy that is in range, it begins shooting at it. These particular turrets are inactive, to prevent them from killing each other or you. There are 2 different types of turrets. The inner turrets are Missile Launcher turrets. They can target vehicles and other buildings. The outer turrets are Machine Gun turrets. They can only target infantry. The commander can research improved turrets which have a greater range and a faster firing rate. Engineers can place their own turrets, and if they have the class skill, they can upgrade their turrets too. When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Flag room

This is a typical flag. In the maps where they appear, they are usually the primary objective of that map. Capturing these can give your team resources, a spawn point, or even drain the other team's tickets! You can also change class while standing in the capture zone for flags that belong to your team. As long as you are here, with a convenient place to change your class, let’s talk about rank points and skills. As you play the game, you will gain rank points for doing certain things, such as killing an enemy, capturing a flag, building or repairing a building, or sabotaging an enemy building. When you get enough rank points, you can get a special skill that enhances your abilities. Some skills, such as increased health and increased accuracy, are available to every class. Other skills, such as the repair upgrade or hide, are specific to one class. You can select a skill by pressing your change class key.

<give player 10 points>

You have just been given some rank points. Try equiping a skill now.

<detect if a first slot skill is active on the player>

Remember to use these skills well, as they can be a deciding factor in combat. Please note that rank points only stay with you for a single map. They do not carry over to the next map. When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Class room

You may have already noticed that there are 4 classes to choose from. It is important to know what these classes do, and how to use them effectively. Let’s start with the engineer, which is arguably the most useful class in the game. If you are not already an engineer, change your class in the armory ahead.

<detect the player class>

The engineer is equipped with an SMG weapon, pistol sidearm, seismic grenades, and the “engineer tool.” The engineer tool is what makes the engineer useful. The primary trigger makes it build or repair buildings, repair vehicles, heal other players, or construct various map-specific structures. Try using the engineer tool to build a bridge across the pit.

<Bridge is built>

Good job!

The engineer tool can also be used to deconstruct things that belong to the enemy team. Try taking down that enemy barricade.

<Barricade destroyed>

Good work!

The secondary trigger opens the build menu, which allows the engineer to build his own turrets, cameras or mini radars, walls, or ammo crates without any help from the commander. The cameras and mini-radars are the only structures in the game that can be destroyed with bullets or melee attacks. Some of the engineer’s class specific skills are used with the engineer tool. For instance, revive is activated by using the primary trigger on a dead friendly corpse. It also requires that you have one full bar of engineer tool ammo to use. The turret upgrade skill can be used by walking up to your turret and using the secondary trigger. Note that engineers cannot upgrade commander placed turrets, or other engineer’s turrets. Seismic grenades are effective against buildings, but barely scratch anything else. When you are an engineer, you teammates will be relying on you to build the base, place ammo boxes at the front lines, and build refineries. Change your class to rifleman in the armory ahead.

<detect player class>

Rifleman is an easy class. They are primarily concerned with the First Person Shooter aspect of the game, and little else. Riflemen can choose one of three anti-infantry rifles, explosive or sticky grenades, and a pistol. Explosive grenades are deadly to infantry, and if you are lucky, they can destroy an immobile tank. Sticky grenades cannot be thrown far, but they will stick to whatever vehicle, person, or building you throw them at, making them very effective against tanks if you can get close enough. While applying to all classes, you will have much better accuracy with your weapons when crouched or prone, but it’s especially important for riflemen. When you are a rifleman, your teammates will be relying on you to protect them by mowing down opposing infantry.

Try shooting at these targets. Make sure you crouch or go prone, or your shots will go everywhere.

<targets destroyed>

Nice shooting!

Change your class to scout in the armory ahead.

The scout’s main purpose is to gather information about what the enemy is doing, which can be very helpful to the commander. The scout also has a fun sabotage ability, which will disable or impair a building in some way. Buildings can be sabotaged by walking up to them and holding down your use key. Players who spawn in a sabotaged barracks will have half health. Armories that are sabotaged will stop giving out ammo. Vehicles produced in sabotaged vehicle factories will have half hull heath, armor, and ammo. Sabotaged refineries will generate half the normal resources. Sabotaged radars will display the positions of enemy tanks within its range to your team. Sabotaged turrets will stop working completely. Sabotaged repair stations will also stop working. Try sabotaging this building

<draw attention to the building>

<armory sabotaged>

The building is now sabotaged. Notice the purple smoke coming from it. This is the only indication that the building is sabotaged, so it can be quite effective in an empty base. The scout can be equipped with an SMG, or a unique rifle. This scout rifle acts like a sniper rifle with 100% accuracy, and is usually lethal when getting a headshot. The scout has 3 different grenades to choose from. You can have flash grenades, smoke grenades, or a sticky grenade. The scout’s sticky grenade is different from the rifleman’s sticky grenade. It overheats tanks on detonation, but lacks the power of the rifleman’s sticky grenades. Change your class to grenadier in the armory ahead.

The grenadier is the anti-tank class. He is equipped with a rocket launcher, a mortar, mines, and a pistol The grenadier is a very important class, as normal bullets do not hurt vehicles at all. The rocket launcher fires a single rocket, and then reloads. If the primary trigger is held down after firing, the rocket will slowly guide toward your crosshair. If left alone, it will continue going straight until it hits something Note that the grenadier’s rocket course correction while guiding is much slower than in Half-Life 2. The rocket launcher is also not an overpowered insta-gib weapon like in every other game that has one. It has very little splash damage, and is highly ineffective against infantry. The mortar fires projectiles in an arc path. The grenadier can lay down a maximum of 8 mines, which blow up when stepped on or driven on. After 8 mines have been placed, placing more mines will cause the oldest mine to blow up. Note that if the player stepping on or driving over the mine has the defusal skill, the mine will not go off. When you are ready, please move on to the next area.

Commander room

The commander’s job is to place buildings, perform research, and give orders. You can only have one commander at a time. A player can become the commander when the game starts if he has the majority vote on his team. A player can also become the commander by entering the command vehicle, and then pressing the change to vehicle seat 2 button.

<insert HUD tip showing you what that key is bound to>

<detect if team has a commander>

When in the commander mode, you will have an RTS style HUD and camera view. Clicking on the build tab will show you what buildings you can place, and their prices. Clicking on a building entry will cause a ghost image of the building to appear in the world when your cursor is not on the HUD. Buildings can be rotated before being placed by holding down the left mouse button, and moving the mouse to the left or right. Try placing a barracks inside the flagged area

<barracks placed>

The units tab will show you all the units available to you. The list includes all infantry, vehicles, and squads currently in existence on your team. The vehicle tab will allow you to use the vehicle customization dialog to make vehicle presets. These presets can then be used to build vehicles instantly at any friendly vehicle factory. The research tab shows you the status of the current research item, and allows you to bring up the research tree. To research something, click on an item, and click the research button. If you have enough resources, the research will begin. Many research options are really categories that contain other researches. To see the contents of a category, the researched category must be clicked on. You can issue basic commands to your troops with the mouse. Click on a unit to select it, or click and drag to select multiple units. With a unit selected, you can issue an order by right-clicking on the desired target.

<if simple bots are added to Empires, continue>

Here are some AI soldiers. Unlike players, they will not think on their own, and will only respond to a commander’s orders. Use them to attack this enemy outpost.

<enemy outpost destroyed>

Good job! This concludes the tutorial. We hope you enjoy the game!