Sourcemod Plugins: Difference between revisions

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Line 152: Line 152:
Original Plugin link: <br />
Original Plugin link: <br />
Fixed version by Neoony: <br />
Fixed version by Neoony: <br />
(might still need to adjust the bot to not really spawn and be on the map with the selected player model)
(might still need to adjust the bot to not really spawn and be on the map with the selected player model) <br />
SourceBot is a bot that you install into your server. You can set it to give helpful server info, or give it a personality, from the things it says. <br />
SourceBot is a bot that you install into your server. You can set it to give helpful server info, or give it a personality, from the things it says. <br />
It floats around the server greeting the players. It has feelings about each player it encounters, and remembers what it feels about each one. <br />
It floats around the server greeting the players. It has feelings about each player it encounters, and remembers what it feels about each one. <br />

Revision as of 04:23, 17 March 2017

Everything, making a crude start page right now.

Home > Sourcemod Plugins

Compiling from Source

Thanks to people smarter than me, compiling from source is pretty easy. Take your source-file or source-text and pop it in this: Download your compiled plugin, and put it in your sourcemod/plugins folder.

Or you can use spcomp.exe inside your sourcemod folders (\addons\sourcemod\scripting\spcomp.exe) (for windows)
Just drag and drop your source-file onto the .exe.

End of Round AllTalk

Original Plugin:

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0.2"

new Handle:cvar_round_end_enabled = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvar_bomb_enabled = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvar_announce = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvar_alltalk = INVALID_HANDLE;

new alltalk_being_changed_by_us = false;
new okay_to_disable_alltalk = false;

public Plugin:myinfo = {
  name = "Round-End Alltalk",
  author = "Mister_Magotchi",
  description = "Turns sv_alltalk on at round end or when all Terrorists are dead (in CS:S).",
  version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
  url = ""

public OnPluginStart() {
    "Round-End Alltalk Version",
  cvar_round_end_enabled = CreateConVar(
    "Toggles whether alltalk is on at round end",
  cvar_bomb_enabled = CreateConVar(
    "Toggles whether alltalk is on when all Terrorists are dead",
  cvar_announce = CreateConVar(
    "Toggles whether changes to sv_alltalk are announced in chat",
  cvar_alltalk = FindConVar("sv_alltalk");
  SetConVarFlags(cvar_alltalk, GetConVarFlags(cvar_alltalk)&~FCVAR_NOTIFY);

  HookConVarChange(cvar_alltalk, AlltalkChanged);
  HookEvent("round_start", OnRoundStart);
  HookEvent("player_death", OnPlayerDeath);
  HookEvent("game_end", OnRoundEnd);
  AutoExecConfig(true, "round-end-alltalk");

TurnAlltalkOn () {
//  PrintToChatAll("Alltalk: DEBUG1");
  if (!GetConVarBool(cvar_alltalk)) {
    okay_to_disable_alltalk = true;
    alltalk_being_changed_by_us = true;
    SetConVarBool(cvar_alltalk, true);

public AlltalkChanged (Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) {
//  PrintToChatAll("Alltalk: DEBUG2");
  new bool:announce = GetConVarBool(cvar_announce);
  if (StringToInt(newValue)) {
    if (announce) {
      PrintToChatAll("Alltalk is now on.");
    if (alltalk_being_changed_by_us) {
      alltalk_being_changed_by_us = false;
    else {
      okay_to_disable_alltalk = false;
  else {
    if (announce) {
      PrintToChatAll("Alltalk is now off.");

public OnRoundStart (Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {
//  PrintToChatAll("Alltalk: DEBUG3");
  if (okay_to_disable_alltalk) {
    SetConVarBool(cvar_alltalk, false);

public OnPlayerDeath (Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {
//  PrintToChatAll("Alltalk: DEBUG4");
  if (GetConVarBool(cvar_bomb_enabled)) {
    new client;
    new bool:terrorists_dead = true;
    for (client = MaxClients; 0 < client; client--) {
      if (IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == 2) {
        terrorists_dead = false;
    if (terrorists_dead) {

public OnRoundEnd (Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {
//  PrintToChatAll("Alltalk: DEBUG5");
  if (GetConVarBool(cvar_round_end_enabled)) {

Chat Triggers

Plugin link:
Adds commandlist.txt functionality (From Mani) to SourceMod.
You can easily define chat commands (e.g. !unstuck), to be linked to console commands.

Advertisements 2.0

Plugin link:
Simple advertisements plugin. It supports center, chat, hint, menu and top messages.


(Not tested yet) Plugin link:
Unofficial more updated version of SourceBans.
-SourceBans++ is a majorly improved version of SourceBans 1.4.11 which was developed by GameConnect.
Those major improvements include a new design, more stable web application, login via steam account and much more community made customizations.


Original Plugin link:
Fixed version by Neoony:
(might still need to adjust the bot to not really spawn and be on the map with the selected player model)
SourceBot is a bot that you install into your server. You can set it to give helpful server info, or give it a personality, from the things it says.
It floats around the server greeting the players. It has feelings about each player it encounters, and remembers what it feels about each one.