Console commands

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Home > Console commands

Console Commands

The console can be accessed by hitting the ~ "tilde" key while in-game.

jointeam: Joins a team. Usage: jointeam <team number> where 1 = Spectator, 2 = Northern Faction, 3 = Brenodi Empire, 4 = Auto-Select. (No Default)
snd_mute_losefocus: Set the sound to be on(0) or off(1), while the game window loses focus. For example when you alt-tab into desktop. (Default = 1)
emp_ungrief: Makes the targeted player the commander. Teleports the command vehicle to that players spot. Usage: emp_ungrief <playername> (No Default)
emp_chatcommand_bind: Add a bind that captures your chat messages starting with an exclamation mark ('!'). Usage: emp_chatcommand_bind <trigger> <command to execute> (No Default)
emp_chatcommand_clear: (No Default)

emp_admin_add: (No Default)
emp_admin_list: (No Default)
emp_admin_remove: (No Default)
lobby_connect: (No Default)
lobby_askconnect_accept: (No Default)
See Also:, List of Server Cvars