Release: TBC
- Reverted the feature that would swap to engineer tool when pressing use on building.
- Added volume control command for voices "snd_voicevolume" .
- Grenadier bots now aim at the correct position on tanks.
- Re-added main menu button sounds, courtesy of Universum.
- Added a max travel time in seconds before exploding to all missiles.
- Added an anti-grief feature that blocks 4th vehicle creation within 2 minutes (Vehicle factory only, maps with vehicle spawners unaffected).
- This feature is turned on by setting "emp_sv_antigrief_build_vehicles 1" on the server.
Bug fixes
- Fixed players being able to use buttons when dead
- Fixed two crashes caused by the vehicle HUD
- Fixed two crashes in the vehicle customization menu
- Fixed a crash relating to engineer turret health displayed on the HUD
- Fixed a texture seam in the empsky_sunset1 skybox texture
- Fixed a bug which made players appear to be standing when they first enter a jeep.
- Fixed an auto-balance bug preventing players from joining specific teams/spectator.
Map changes
- New skybox, tweaked lighting
- Added 3D skybox fog gradient texture
- Added vehicle clip ramps to roadsides in the south and east, and in city center
- Fixed texture and brush seams in C5
- Slightly adjusted terrain at the ends of bridges
- Added bollards to bridge sidewalks
- Moved railings on the southern bridge to match the setup of the eastern bridge
- Adjusted misaligned fence in eastern city
Scripts/Game Balance
- Simplified vehicle weapon script by removing missile variables from non-missile weapons.
- Increased RPG damage against building by 40% (about 2.5hp/shot)
- Bio Diesel Heat Capacity 125->130
- Max missile travel time changes:
- Infantry RPG -> 5 Seconds
- Upgraded ML -> 5 Seconds
- Heavy-duty ML -> 5 Seconds
- ML turret -> 10 Seconds
- Nuclear Missile -> 20 Seconds
- All other missiles - > 10 Seconds
- Changes to sticky grenades:
- Reduced Sticky & Stun Grenade's Grenade's damage against buildings (except walls) and infantry by 40%.
- Increase Sticky & Stun Grenade's damage against walls by 285%. (1 sticky grenade will take down an unbuilt wall, 4 sticky grenade will take down a fully-built wall.)
- Capacitive Armor will receive 8% more damage from Sticky Grenade and Stun Grenade, this is to ensure that no vehicle except for Commander Vehicle will survive 4 sticky grenades on one side.