Map:emp Slaughtered

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Home > Map:emp Slaughtered

Minimap of Emp_Slaughtered


General Map Information

A mountainous map near an exotic beach, Slaughtered is an interesting map for vehicles and infantry alike. The BE team starts in A1, and the NF team starts in A5. Each team must race to expand their forces eastward while engaging the enemy at the map's equator. There are structures throughout the map which can be constructed by engineers to aid either side; large watch-towers, and a massive bridge in the center of the map which separates the two teams. Although the steep hills are insurmountable by vehicle and infantry alike, the multitude of twisting canyons allows for any number of strategies and maneuvers for the clever commander.

Commander Tactics

Squad Level Tactics

Unit and Infantry Tactics

Points of Interest

The Bridge - The lake in the center of the map cannot be crossed by vehicles unless the bridge is constructed. After it is made, the bridge can also be destroyed. A clever team will use this to it's advantage by blowing the bridge when being heavily pressured by incoming tanks.

The Watch-Towers -These large constructable towers provide excellent cover for infantry units in a map where there is very little cover in general. They too can be destroyed with enough damage. Tricky Engineers can use them to hide surveillance or turrets.

The Beach - If one were desperate for a hiding spot, an infantry unit could hide hear, swimming away from the battle. Just don't try the same thing with tanks!