Empires Mapping Documentation |
Mapping Overiew | Hammer Configuration | Entity Index | Basic Mapping | Setup Resources | Tutorials | Useful FGD Modifications | Bots and NPCs | Dimensions | Skyboxes |
This is a list of skyboxes in Empires with their corresponding recommended light settings.
- light_environment:
- Pitch: -20
- BrightnessHDR: 255 193 141 300
- AmbientHDR: 107 113 55 85
- SunSpreadAngle: 2
- shadow_control:
- Y Z X: 20 180 0
- Shadow Color: 140 138 100
- Maximum Distance: 800
- env_tonemap_controller:
- ExposureMin 0
- ExposureMax 1.3
- BloomScale .6
- env_sun:
- Pitch: -5
- Sun color: 249 216 147
- env_fog_controller:
- Primary Fog Color: 180 85 1
- Secondary Fog Color: 80 50 20
- Fog Start: 8000
- Fog End: 20000
- Interpolate time: 10
- Far Z Clip Plane: 20000
HL2 Skies