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Talk:Additional Downloads

From Empires Wiki

Viroman there is more stuff you could add to this page in here.

And here too.

ya I know. It was a quick page make and then I ran it by krenzo. I just need to get the page "cleaned up a bit" and it will get added on. BTW your first link is a dud. --Black Hole Bully??? WHY!? 00:31, 4 September 2009 (PDT)

Ok, the first link didn't work but Dr. Doener who made the iphone, also made load of other stuff just go on his user page and click find all threads.--CyberKiller 02:26, 4 September 2009 (PDT)

Check it out now... is that some sexy stuff or what? --Black Hole Bully??? WHY!? 04:58, 4 September 2009 (PDT)