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From Empires Wiki

Making another page so I can keep this the way I want it. ViroMan_MainPage

Welcome to the Empires Mod wiki, home to documentation, guides, tips, and other useful information for players and developers.
The contents of this site are maintained and policed by the community for the better of the whole.
Please be considerate and enjoy what others have spent much time putting together for everyone.
Download Empires
Tip 'Tip: Join #empiresmod for the official Empires Mod channel to discuss all aspects of the mod including improving this wiki.' Show your support and stay up to date with Empires. This channel is located on the GameSurge Irc Network

General Information

The following pages are of general interest to players.

Classes and Skills

Empires Mod features four different classes, each with unique abilities.

Additionally, with experience, players can gain ranks, opening up new Skills that grant special or improved abilities.

The following pages contain information useful to the developers, mappers, modelers, and other contributors to the mod.

Developer Documentation


Important Links

Wiki Stuff

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