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Weapons of the Brenodi Empire

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Brenodi Empire Weapons Appendix

As of 1.08, most weapons have seen balance changes and new visuals. Images shown here may have been replaced by improved versions.


Pistols are semi-automatic weapons designed for close quarter combat, although they can sometimes prove quite useful over longer ranges.

Falcon Manufacturing "X" Pistol
Falcon Manufacturing "X" Pistol
Falcon Firearms Mark 10
Standard issue Brenodi pistol. Useful in a pinch.
Falcon Manufacturing's X model is the tenth in their line of semi-automatic pistols manufactured exclusively for the Imperial Army.
Damage 30
Clip Size 14
Carry Limit 24 Rounds
Accuracy Fair
Rate Of Fire 300 Rounds Per Minute
Fire Mode Semi-Automatic
Class Engineer, Scout, Grenadier, Rifleman
Falcon Manufacturing "Tundra Falcon" Pistol
Falcon Manufacturing "Tundra Falcon" Pistol
Falcon Manufacturing "Tundra Falcon" Pistol
A higher caliber version of its counterpart. It has a smaller clip, but each shot deals more damage.
The "Tundra Falcon" earned it's name from it's use in the capture of Glycen City.
Damage 40
Clip Size 10
Carry Limit 24 Rounds
Accuracy Fair
Rate Of Fire 130 Rounds Per Minute
Fire Mode Semi-Automatic
Class Grenadier, Rifleman

Submachine Guns

Submachine Guns are automatic weapons designed for close to medium quarter combat. They have a high rate of fire, but a low damage potential.

Kren Industrial KR-3 SMG
Kren Industrial KR-3 SMG
Kren Industrial KR-3
Standard issue SMG. Accurate but weak.
Story goes here.
Damage 24
Clip Size 30
Carry Limit 120 Rounds
Accuracy Good
Rate Of Fire 600 Rounds Per Minute
Fire Mode Fully Automatic
Class Engineer, Scout
Kren Industrial NZ-0 SMG
Kren Industrial NZ-0 SMG
Kren Industrial NZ-0
An average SMG with a good balance of firepower and accuracy.
Story goes here.
Damage 14
Clip Size 30
Carry Limit 120 Rounds
Accuracy Fair
Rate Of Fire 700 Rounds Per Minute
Fire Mode Fully Automatic
Class Engineer, Scout

Assault Rifles

Rifles are (semi-)automatic weapons that are designed for all-range combat. They have a high rate of fire and a high damage potential.

Brenodi Empire L3 Assault Rifle
Brenodi Empire L3 Standard Issue Assault Rifle
Kren Industrial L3 Assault Rifle
The standard issue ranged rifle with iron sights for improved accuracy at range.
Kren Industrial's L3 Assault Rifle is the flagship rifle of the Imperial Army. The successor to the L2, the L3 was developed during the uprising of the Northern Faction. Differences between the L2 and L3 include the new ironsight aiming system, which allows for greater accuracy at long range. Some soldiers have complained that the ironsights block all peripheral vision, but others believe they are a welcome addition.
Damage 35
Clip Size 30
Carry Limit 150 Rounds
Accuracy Good
Rate Of Fire 1080 Rounds Per Minute
Fire Mode Fully Automatic
Class Rifleman

Brenodi Empire L3-TUC3 Heavy Assault Rifle
Brenodi Empire L3-TUC3 Heavy Assault Rifle
Kren Industrial L3-TUC3 Heavy Assault Rifle
The TUC3 variant of the L3 assault rifle is chambered for larger rounds and modified with a larger clip.
TUC3 stands for Total Urban Combat, and of course, is the successor to the L2-TUC2 rifle of the Kolntus-Emin war.
Damage 50
Clip Size 40
Carry Limit 150 Rounds
Accuracy Good
Rate Of Fire 920 Rounds Per Minute
Fire Mode Fully Automatic
Class Rifleman

Machine Guns

Kren Industrial DU-7 "The Duke" Heavy Machine Gun
Equipped with a very large clip, this machine gun is ideal for suppressive fire.
"The Duke" got it's name from the sheer power of the .50 BMG rounds it uses.
Damage 25
Clip Size 200
Carry Limit 400 Rounds
Accuracy Poor
Rate Of Fire 920 Rounds Per Minute
Fire Mode Fully Automatic
Class Rifleman

Ranged Rifles

Falcon Manufacturing BZ-S Ranged Rifle
Falcon Manufacturing BZ-S Ranged Rifle
Falcon Manufacturing BZ-S Scout Rifle
Ranged rifle equipped with a good zoom but a small clip.
Story goes here.
Damage 110
Clip Size 15
Carry Limit 60 Rounds
Accuracy Excellent
Rate Of Fire 48 Rounds Per Minute
Fire Mode Bolt Action
Class Scout

Anti-tank Weapons

Kren Industrial's DA-M14N Anti-Tank weapon has two selectable modes. It functions as a long range guided Rocket Launcher and as an arc-fired Mortar. A group of Imperial scouts has learned that the Northern Faction are secretly building an Air Force, and as a result, all DA-M14N's will soon be retrofitted with Anti-Air capabilities.

Brenodi Empire DA-M14N Anti-Tank Weapon - Rocket Launcher
Brenodi Empire DA-M14N Anti-Tank Weapon - Mortar
Kren Industrial DA-M14N - Rocket Launcher Configuration
Guided rocket launcher, well suited to the anti-armor role.
Damage 80
Clip Size 1
Carry Limit 5 Rockets
Accuracy Good
Rate Of Fire 20 Rockets Per Minute
Class Grenadier
Kren Industrial DA-M14N - Mortar Configuration
Long range mortar that must be propped in a crouch before firing. Its range makes it ideal for destroying structures.
Damage 110
Clip Size 1
Carry Limit 10 Rounds
Accuracy Excellent
Rate Of Fire 15 Rounds Per Minute
Class Grenadier


Brenodi Empire Mine (Side)
Brenodi Empire Mine (Top)
Brenodi Mine
Defensive landmine that is effective for infantry and armor.
Damage 110
Carry Limit 5 Mines
Class Grenadier

Brenodi Empire Standard Issue Grenade
Concussion Grenade
A blinding flash grenade that effects turrets and infantry.
Carry Limit 5 Grenades
Class Scout
Explosive Grenade
A frag grenade that damages armor, buildings and infantry (damage dealt to buildings is reduced by 10).
Carry Limit 5 Grenades
Class Rifleman
Seismic Grenade
Extremely effective at destroying buildings and defensive structures.
Carry Limit 5 Grenades
Class Engineer
Smoke Grenade
Effective for assaults or temporary visual cover.
Carry Limit 5 Grenades
Class Scout
Tip Tip: You can prime grenades. All grenades have a fuse of 6 seconds (except the concussion grenade, it has a fuse of 4 seconds). Just hold the grenade as long as you deem necessary. When released, the fuse will keep running, and the grenade will explode prematurely. Use this to your advantage to give the enemy no chance to escape. A grenade will always retain a minimum fuse of 2 seconds. You cannot blow yourself up when priming a grenade.


Equipment are all hand-held objects that may prove useful to the playing class.

Brenodi Empire Binoculars
Used to observe enemy activity and call in strikes.
Class Scout

Brenodi Empire Engineer Tool
Brenodi Empire Engineer Tool
Engineer Tool
Used to build structures, heal units or deconstruct enemy structures / vehicles. Also used to place turrets, walls, surveillance gear and ammo crates.
Damage 26
Class Engineer