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Emp info params

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Empires Mapping Documentation
Mapping Overiew | Hammer Configuration | Entity Index | Basic Mapping | Setup Resources | Tutorials | Useful FGD Modifications | Bots and NPCs | Dimensions | Skyboxes


Contains crucial properties for Empires such as theme, automated research, etc. This entity is required for all Empires maps.


The name that other entities refer to this entity by.
Map Theme
This is the setting/theme of the map and is only used to determine the camouflage that players wear.
  • Default
  • Woodland
  • Snow
  • Desert
  • Urban
  • Custom (Unused)
  • Custom 2 (Unused)
Automate Research?
For maps without a commander to handle research, setting this to 'Yes' will automatically research the Research Tree randomly (both teams will research the same items to keep it fair).
  • No
  • Yes
Northern Faction Resources
The amount of resources the Northern Faction team starts with. Default: 100.
Brenodi Empire Resources
The amount of resources the Brenodi Empire team starts with. Default: 100.
Northern Faction Reinforcements
The amount of reinforcements the Northern Faction team starts with. Default: 100.
Brenodi Empire Reinforcements
The amount of reinforcements the Brenodi Empire team starts with. Default: 100.
Prevent NF Engineer Building
Select restrictions for the Northern Faction engineers from being able to build on this map.
  • No Restriction
  • Walls
  • Everything
Prevent Brenodi Engineer Building
Select restrictions for the Brenodi Empire engineers from being able to build on this map.
  • No Restriction
  • Walls
  • Everything
Prevent Turret Building
Does not affect the commander.
  • Allow level 1, 2 and 3 turrets
  • Allow level 1 and 2 turrets
  • Allow level 1 turrets
  • Restrict turrets


Ends the game with NF as the winner.
Ends the game with BE as the winner.
SetNFTickets <integer>
Sets the NF tickets
SetBETickets <integer>
Sets the BE tickets
ModifyNFTickets <integer>
Adds tickets to NF (set negative to subtract)
ModifyBETickets <integer>
Adds tickets to BE (set negative to subtract)
SetNFResources <integer>
Sets the NF resources
SetBEResources <integer>
Sets the BE resources
ModifyNFResources <integer>
Adds resources to NF (set negative to subtract)
ModifyBEResources <integer>
Adds resources to BE (set negative to subtract)
GetNFTickets <integer>
Outputs the number of NF tickets from OnGetNumber.
GetBETickets <integer>
Outputs the number of BE tickets from OnGetNumber.
GetNFResources <integer>
Outputs the number of NF resources from OnGetNumber.
GetBEResources <integer>
Outputs the number of BE resources from OnGetNumber.


OnGetNFTickets <integer>
Outputs the requested number.
OnGetBETickets <integer>
Outputs the requested number.
OnGetNFResources <integer>
Outputs the requested number.
OnGetBEResources <integer>
Outputs the requested number.