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Server Cvars

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Empires Server Resources
Dedicated Server Setup | Cvars | Optimization | Sourcemod Plugins

This list may not actually be complete

This is a complete list of all the server variables used by Empires.



emp_sv_player_erepair_speed: Controls e-repair speed in health units per minute. (Default = 150)
emp_sv_player_revive_health_penalty : Control how much health players have when revived, Maxhealth * cvar value. (Default = 1)
emp_sv_player_revive_stamina_penalty : Control how much stamina players have when revived, Maxstamina * cvar value. (Default = 1)


emp_sv_max_vehicles: Number of vehicles each team can have at any given time. (Default = 32)
emp_sv_vehicle_selfdestruct_time: Number of seconds until an empty vehicle starts to self-destruct. (Default = 300)
emp_sv_vehicle_fadeout_time: Number of seconds until a destroyed vehicle model is removed. (Default = 20)
emp_sv_artillery_recoil_multiplier: Multiplier on the recoil of artillery cannons. (Default = 0.5)


emp_sv_max_buildings: Number of buildings (not counting walls or turrets) each team can have at any given time. (Default = 32)
emp_sv_turret_search_interval: Amount of time (in seconds) each turret must wait before searching for a new target. (Default = 0.5)
emp_sv_max_turrets: Number of turrets that a team can place. (does not include engineer-placed turrets) (Default = 10)
emp_sv_max_walls: Number of walls a team can place. (does not include engineer-placed walls) (Default = 24)
emp_sv_building_box: Makes buildings use the axis aligned bounding box for physics.
emp_sv_building_physics: Makes buildings use the VPhysics mesh for physics.
emp_sv_building_none: Disables physics for buildings.


emp_sv_refinery_interval: Number of seconds between refinery resource generation. (Default = 1)
emp_sv_refinery_multiplier: Refinery output is multiplied by this (both teams). (Default = 1)
emp_sv_player_refinery_multiplier: Number of players that cause an increase in resources produced via refineries. (Default = 12)

For example: 12 means at 12 to 23 players, 1 is added to refinery output, 24 to 35, 2 is added to refinery output.

emp_sv_player_resource_interval: Number of players that cause an increase in resources produced via refineries. (Default = 12)

For example: 12 means at 12 to 23 players, 1 is added to refinery output, 24 to 35, 2 is added to refinery output.

emp_sv_resource_multiplier_nf: Number of resources at map start is multiplied by this (Northern Faction). (Default = 5)
emp_sv_resource_multiplier_be: Number of resources at map start is multiplied by this (Brenodi Empire). (Default = 5)
emp_sv_refinery_diminishing_returns_basevalue: Minimum value for diminishing returns. See emp_sv_refinery_diminishing_returns_valueperrefinery. (Default = 0.25)
emp_sv_refinery_diminishing_returns_valueperrefinery: Amount to decrease the output of a refinery by. Computed as 1 - ( valueperrefinery * N ) where N is the Nth - 1 refinery owned by the team. If this is smaller then the basevalue, basevalue is used for the refinery. (Default = 0.0)
emp_sv_commander_resource_interval: Interval between commander data updates. When the interval has passed, the location of all players and buildings is sent to the commander. (Default = 0.3)
emp_give_resources: Number of resources that is added to the resource total for the specified team.

For example: emp_give_resources be 1000 will add 1000 res to Brenodi's resources while emp_give_resources nf 1000 will do the same for Northern Faction.

emp_sv_resource_diminishing_term: The exponent of the total income. (with 1: income/sec = refinery_sum^1, with 2: income/sec = refinery_sum^2) (Default = 1.0)
emp_sv_resource_integral_term: The correcting factor, the percentage of the difference that is added to the losing team. If one team earned x less resources in total in the game, gives x * emp_sv_resource_integral_term per second to that team. (Default = 0.0)


emp_sv_research_item: Researches the specified research for both teams. Takes the name of the research as a argument.

Example: emp_sv_research_item Nuclear Warhead will research Nukes for both teams.

emp_sv_unresearch_item: Removes the specified research for both Teams. Takes the name of the research as a argument. Equipped Weapons in Tanks will get unavailable after they are unresearched.

Example: emp_sv_unresearch_item Nuclear Warhead will unresearch Nukes for both teams.


emp_sv_wait_phase_time: Number of seconds until wait phase ends. (Default = 60)
emp_sv_respawn_penalty: Number of seconds to make players wait to respawn. (Default = 10)
emp_sv_spawn_protection: Amount of time (in seconds) that player is invulnerable after spawning. (Default = 3)
emp_sv_research_multiplier: Affects research speed, less than 1 is slower, greater than 1 is faster. (Default = 1)
emp_sv_research_complete: Set to 1 to have all research tree items unlocked. (Default = 0)
emp_sv_reinforcement_multiplier_nf: Number of reinforcements at map start is multiplied by this (Northern Faction). (Default = 1)
emp_sv_reinforcement_multiplier_be: Number of reinforcements at map start is multiplied by this (Brenodi Empire). (Default = 1)
emp_sv_kick_commander_percentage: Percentage of players on a team that must vote yes to kick the commander. (Default = 0.6)
emp_sv_kick_commander_time: Time commander kick vote lasts (In seconds). (Default = 120)
emp_sv_kick_commander_penalty: Time before a kicked commander can re-enter the command vehicle (In seconds). (Default = 300)
emp_sv_kick_commander_nf: Instantly kicks the Northern Faction commander.
emp_sv_kick_commander_be: Instantly kicks the Brenodi Empire commander.
emp_sv_stalemate_countdown: No description. (Default = 300)
emp_sv_suddendeath_countdown: No description. (Default = 2)


emp_sv_player_minimap_interval: Number in seconds between the position of players on the minimap gets updated. (Default = 1)
emp_sv_vehicle_minimap_interval: Number in seconds between the position of vehicles on the minimap gets updated. (Default = 1)


emp_sv_netvisdist_player: How far the player can see other players, vehicle and buildings. (Default = 10000)
emp_sv_netvisdist_building: How far buildings can see other players, vehicle and buildings. (Default = 10000)
emp_sv_netvisdist_vehicle: How far vehicles can see other players, vehicle and buildings. (Default = 10000)
emp_sv_netvisdist_commander: How far the commander can see other players, vehicle and buildings. (Default = 10000)
emp_sv_netvisdist_ratedistmax: Not used. (Default = 10000)
emp_sv_netvisdist_ratedistmin: If emp_sv_netvisdist_ratefacingonly is enabled, this is the distance in units from the player that the entity must be before it is no longer sent to players. (Default = 2000)
emp_sv_netvisdist_ratefacingmul: If larger than 0, enables emp_sv_netvisdist_ratefacingonly checks. (Default = 20)
emp_sv_netvisdist_ratefacingonly: Whether to only send entity updates if the player is facing the entity. Depends on emp_sv_netvisdist_ratefacingmul. (Default = 0)
emp_sv_netvisdist_ratemax: Not used. (Default = 0.5)
emp_sv_netvisdist_ratemin: Not used. (Default = 0)
emp_sv_commander_visiblity_interval: Controls how often spotted targets are updated. (Default = 1)


emp_sv_debug_instant_build: All buildings will be built nearly instantly. The engineer kit will be instantly refilled as well. (Default = 0)
emp_increase_squadpoints: Increase squadpoints by 5
emp_increase_rank: Increase rank by 10
emp_sv_client_auth_movement: The client's movement is used on the server, instead of synchronizing the client with the server. Disabled. (Default = 0)
emp_sv_client_vehic_auth_movement: Vehicle driver data is not sent to clients. Does not function correctly. (Default = 0)
emp_sv_client_vehic_auth_movement_2: Not used. (Default = 0)
emp_sv_player_flag_update: Not used. (Default = 0.3)
cl_disable_hdr_manager: Temporarily disables the hdr manager. (Default = 0)