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Empires Scripting Documentation
Scripting Overview | Vehicle Script Overview | Vehicle Handling Script Overview | Weapon Script Overview | Armor Script Overview | Building Script Overview | Infantry Script Overview | Hint Messages | Loading Screen Script Overview | Tutorials


This is a glossary of all the attributes that can be used in a building script.

You place comments in a script file by putting a "//" in front of the comment.

Building Properties

spotted name
max health
starting health
damaged model
damaged threshold
destroyed model
vehicle physbox
recycle time
carcass removal time

Turret-Specific Properties

The following keyvalues are specified for turrets:

  • "turret range level X" (Range at which the turret will engage, measured in Hammer Units)
  • "turret rof level X" (Amount of seconds between each salvo. Defined as a float)
  • "turret turn speed level X" (How fast the turret can turn)
  • "turret turn missile level X" (ML only: How well the missiles of a turret can turn corners)
  • "turret starting hp level X" (Starting HP of the turret)
  • "turret max hp level X" (Max HP of the turret)

where X is the level (1-3).

Building Resistances

Buildings are able to have several resistances. A resistance is calculated using the following formula:

Damage = Damage - (Damage * Resistance)

This means that the higher a resistance attribute, the more damage that will be absorbed. A resistance attribute can lie between 0 and 1 and is defined as a floating-point variable.

The type of damage a weapon does can be set in the Damage Type attribute of a weapon.

List of resistances:

  • GeneralPhysicsResist - General Physics Tree Damage
  • GeneralChemistryResist - General Chemistry Tree Damage
  • GeneralMechanicalResist - General Mechanic Tree Damage
  • GeneralElectricResist - General Electric Tree Damage
  • GeneralBiologicalResist - General Biological Tree Damage

  • KineticResist - Railguns, Standard Cannons, Anything that is just force
  • ExplosiveResist - HE, Nukes, anything that explodes
  • BioResist - Has the bio effect

  • BulletResist - Non Armor damaging
  • APBulletResist - Armor Damaging
  • BulletExplosiveResist - Bullets that Explode

  • MissileResist - Generic Missile type of damage
  • MissileExplosiveResist - Explosive type.
  • MissileBioResist - Bio Missiles. Different than Bio?

  • KineticArtResist - Kinetic Artillery
  • ExplosiveArtResist - Explosive Artillery
  • BioArtResist - Bio Artillery

  • AircraftMissileResist - Aircraft Missiles
  • AircraftGroundMissleResist - Aircraft Missiles to hit ground targets
  • AircraftBulletResist - Aircraft to Aircraft bullets
  • AircraftAPBulletResist - Aircraft Bullets to hit ground targets
  • AircraftBombResist - Bombs
  • AircraftBombBioResist - Bio Bombs?

  • InfantryGrenadeResist - Player Thrown Grenades
  • InfantryMineResist - Player Tossed Mines
  • InfantryMissileResist - Gren Missiles
  • InfantryMortarResist - Gren Mortars
  • InfantryStickyResist - Sticky Grenades
  • InfantrySeismicResist - Seismic Grenades
  • InfantryBulletResist - Infantry Bullets
  • InfantryUtilityResist - Concussion nades, various infantry stuff that does special things but no damage

  • ExtraType1Resist - Anti Building weapons
  • ExtraType2Resist
  • ExtraType3Resist

Boundary Vectors

The boundary vectors are the boundary vectors used to calculate the "footprint" that a building makes. There are two vectors: Min and Max. They use the following attributes.

  • MinColBoundX
  • MinColBoundY
  • MinColBoundZ

  • MaxColBoundX
  • MaxColBoundY
  • MaxColBoundZ

Particle Attachments

Using these attributes, you can have up to 10 different particles on a single model show when the building is destroyed. The attributes go from 0-9. You must always state both attributes.


ExplosionAttachment0" "explosion1" // Attachment 0 in the model.
ExplosionParticle0" "Explosion_std" // Particle 0 on attachment 0.
ExplosionParticle1" "Explosion_std" // Particle 1 on attachment 0.


ExplosionAttachment0" "explosion1" // Attachment 0 in the model.
ExplosionParticle0" "Explosion_std" // Particle 0 on attachment 0.
ExplosionAttachment1" "explosion1" // Attachment 1 in the model. This attachment can be the same as the previous attachment.
ExplosionParticle1" "Explosion_std" // Particle 1 on attachment 1.

  • ExplosionAttachmentX - This attribute contains the model attachment, which is where the particle will be created.
  • ExplosionParticleX - This attribute contains the name of the particle that will be created.