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Engineer-Buildable Objects

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This guide will teach you how to place buildable objects within your map. To start with, I am assuming that you already have a working map. If you do not, check out the Basic Conquest Map tutorial first.

The first type of object is a brush-based one. Some examples of these kinds of objects would be the ramps leading to the dam on mvalley, or the access ramps on crossroads.

1. Load up your map in Hammer, and centre the views around where you want your object to appear.

2. Using the brush tool, create your object. In this case I'm going to create another ramp, similar to what you've seen before, but you can make anything you like.

3. Select all of the brushes (blocks) which make up your object, by holding the shift key and left clicking on them in the 3D view.

4. Once you are happy your whole object has been selected, press control-T to make it into an entity.

5. A new dialog box should appear. From the drop down box, select emp_eng_map_brush.

6. You should be presented with several properties in a list below the drop down. These govern everything from who owns the object, to how much health it has.

7. All the properties are fairly self-explanatory, and each has a description to help you out. Make sure you go through the whole list, and set each one up how you want it. Here are the example settings that I used for my ramp.

  • Name: be_ramp
  • Number of Parent Capture Point:
  • Initial Owner: Brenodi Empire
  • Changes Ownership: No
  • Raise Object on Build: Yes
  • Solid on Spawn: No
  • Visible to Enemy Team: No
  • Time to Respawn: 60
  • Initial Health: 25
  • Maximum Health: 100
  • Only Grenadier Can Harm: No
  • Solid on Respawn: No

8. Now I have a ramp, which raises up when it is built, belongs to BE and respawns buildable again after a minute.

9. Compile your map! It should now appear in game and behave according to the values you set.

Now for the second type of object: These are model-based. These allow you to put much more complex objects into you map, but they are not as flexible as brush-based ones. Some examples would include the wooden barriers on escort and those in the ruins on duststorm.

1. Load up your map in Hammer, and centre the views around where you want your object to appear.

2. Using the entity tool, select emp_eng_map_model from the drop down on the right-hand side of the screen.

3. Click on a surface in the 3D view to place your entity.

4. Press alt-enter to bring up the properties box, and select the Model property.

5. Click the Browse button, and find the model you want to use.

6. Click Ok, and use the 2D views to move your object into place. Models can be rotated, but not skewed or resized.

7. Once you are happy with your object's location, press alt-enter again and set the remaining properties (see steps 6-9 above).